Money stealing Liars

Business & Finance

This company promises that you will make alot of money in a short time. This is FALSE. They lure you in by telling you that it is easy money once you pay a small processing fee. I applied and the company charged my card, but I have yet to receive anything in the mail. I don't know if i will receive my money back, but I can at least let others know how much of a liar this company is.

Company: Envelopesathome.com
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Loveland
Phone: 7202290597
Site: envelopesathome.com
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Sounds like a good idea but you make no money


Mail Processing Services
Ripoff, dis-honest, thieves and liars

I have been sucked in by their processing fee and will soon be another victim of their ripoff too

PrePaid Legal Services
Ripoff make false promises, take my money, they are liars, i want to quit them

Hue Investments
Bad service

Consumer Credit Services, inc. (aka) Financial card Division (aka) ccs cards
Ripoff deceptive company false promises ripoff con-artists took us for all we had rip-off scam liars

DigitalDropship - Simplx - Irebates - Mallshare
Simplicity Group Missing rebates and false promises

First Capital Consumers Group
RIPPED US OFF AND LIED TO US, NOW WERE OUT $199.00 false promises ripoff liars victimized us

Envelopesathome.com Or XEPPA
Promised money for me stuffing envelopes. It didnt take me long to figure out this was a scam and that I was an idiot