Alaris Aka Envelopes At Home
Alaris Alaris Alaris, took my money and I got nothing! I Do Not Know

Education & Science

I was screwed by Alaris Alaris, they took my 37.84 cents and i have not heard word one from them. I cant even get my money back because I cant stuff the 100 envelopes they say if you stuff they will even double your money. My husband and I are hurting bad, I am so scared about what might happen now. I have no money to put into any company, and I am handicapped and can not work. The type of people that do this are scum bags.

Company: Alaris Aka Envelopes At Home
Country: USA
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Envelopes At Home
$37.94 Dollar Scam

Changed name from Alaris to Xeppa

Charged me 37.94 for an initial fee and i never heard from them again
I have been sucked in by their processing fee and will soon be another victim of their ripoff too

Work at home envelopes

EnvelopesatHome - Alaris
Work-at-home ripoff

Alaris Envelopes At Home
Charged me a setup fee, never heard from them again

Envlopes at home - charged me 37.94 for an initial fee and i never heard from them again loveland

Did not send a package I paid for envelopsathome internet

WoW Mine Virtual Currency Ripoff Artists