Super scam do not trust usa us


This was the biggest rip in history i feel like an idiot did all the things they said and made flyers sent t them nothing in response still waiting for a package i got a letter with same bs on the web page was fooled as it promised refund if not satisfied, but you have to mail out 10 envelopes that they send you to mail out to get a refund and they havent sent anything no 800 # and many many references to no refund if you do not follow our direction's oh i folllwed the directions all right but got me no where plz plz do not answer any of these get rivh quick schemes as they see you commin what did wc fields say a sucker is born every minute we i have the sticker on my forehead after this one

Company: Alaris
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Alaris Aka Envelopes At Home
Alaris Alaris Alaris, took my money and I got nothing! I Do Not Know

Envelopes At Home
$37.94 Dollar Scam

Changed name from Alaris to Xeppa Asked for $37 for first packg. Which info was already on website also when done what asked for first packg. To recieve #2 packg. I never received approval for my ad or the brochures promised

Direct Cards
Rip-off! Stuffing envelopes working from home scam!

Mail Processing Services
Mail Processors Wanted, ripoff, scam, fraud

Work at home envelopes

EnvelopesatHome - Alaris
Work-at-home ripoff

GVM Associates - Homeworkersus
Ripoff Sent envelopes without postage, (should have had on envelopes) not enough flyers, asked for postage, very ignorant responses. Miami, Florida Internet
I have been sucked in by their processing fee and will soon be another victim of their ripoff too