Phone Wire - Phonewire - ripoff Worst service ever! They didn't perform and they didn't refund my money It Is A Mystery They Won't Tell Me Where They Are Located

Shops, Products, Services

Do not use this company!!! They will burn you. They don't perform what they say they will and they don't refund your money. They offer a 30 day return policy with a full refund. Within the 30 days, the service is great!!! As soon as that return policy is over, it turns to crap and they do everything half a* but you can't get out of it because they lock you in after the return policy and they only give you a good price if you pay for a year up front. When I write to complain or demand answers, I get very rude sarcastic answers. I threatened to dispute the charge with my credit card company and they told me they would take me to civil court because of all the fine print in their terms and conditions. They burned me for $309.95

Company: Phone Wire - Phonewire
Country: USA
Phone: 8778779493
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