Declared phone to have been immersed in water in order to avoid repair or replacement under warranty

Shops, Products, Services

On April 29th last my daughter visited the Sprint Store at 2388 South Oneida Street in Green Bay, WI, for service on her Sanyo VI-2300. She'd been having trouble with that phone for about three months by then.

She spoke with "Retail Comunications Cunsultant" [sic] Christina Lynn Blondheim. Ms. Blondheim examined the phone briefly and declared it to be water damaged and the warranty void.

I couldn't find the slightest hint of any damage from water or any kind of abuse on the phone. There wasn't a trace of any moisture within the clear plastic buttons or the accessories port. All metal parts were clean and free of corrosion. There were no cracks in the case or impact marks from being dropped. All buttons worked smoothly without sticking. Other than some very small scratches on the exterior that one would expect as a result of being carried in a purse the phone appeared as new, and still does.

On May 1st I spoke on the phone with a Sprint representative who informed me that Ms. Blondheim had recorded in her notes that the phone had been "immersed" and the warranty was thus void. I also visited the Sprint Store at 1601 Lawrence Drive in De Pere, WI. I asked the Sprint representatives there, Jason Freeman and Mike Tisch, to examine the phone for water damage. They could not find any. Mr. Tisch told me water damage usually shows up as white deposits in the accessories port. They also pointed out two black rectangles in the battery compartment and one white rectangle on the battery itself. They told me rectangles were moisture detectors and would change color if exposed to moisture. The detectors in my daughter's phone showed no exposure to moisture.

The battery compartment cover is a good fit, but the compartment is certainly not watertight. If this phone had been "immersed", as Ms. Blondheim claims, the moisture detectors would surely have been tripped.

Clearly, this phone has not been exposed to any appreciable amount of moisture at any time. If Ms. Blondheim believed it had, she is merely incompetent; if she was aware it had not, then she was lying.in either case she is not fit to hold her present position.

I informed Sprint via email of this episode and explained that they could not refuse to honor a valid warranty without voiding the service agreement. Their response, and the successive give and take via email, follow verbatim:

Dear Steven,
I apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced
regarding the PCS Phone on your account. Thank you for
contacting Sprint together with Nextel in this regard.

I have reviewed your account records and noticed that
the phone warranty has been voided since it has been
verified to be dropped in water. Please note that
the phone damage due to water is not covered under
manufacturer's warranty.

Further, if you feel that your PCS Phone has not been
checked properly at one Sprint store, I request you to
visit another store and get it checked by a technician.

To find the nearest Sprint Store, please click on the
hyperlink below:


Thank you for emailing us. We appreciate your relationship
with us, and look forward to serving you in the future.

Parry S.
Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Parry,

It has been verified that the phone in question has been dropped in water? Please explain to me EXACTLY how that was done.

You wrote; "Further, if you feel that your PCS Phone has not been checked properly at one Sprint store, I request you to visit another store and get it checked by a technician." If you had actually read my message you would have known that I already did take it to another Sprint Store and the technicians there could not find any trace of water damage.

I suggest you read my message again. REALLY read it this time. Read it with the understanding that my experience with Sprint's customer service will be forwarded to various consumer groups and shared with millions via the internet. You might want to select another course of action in this matter.

You have a nice day,

De Pere, WI

Dear Steven,

Thank you for contacting Sprint together with Nextel. I do realize that you wish to notify us regarding your
PCS Phone.

I have read your email and noticed that you are not
satisfied by the diagnostic check performed by the
technician at the Sprint store.

On your account, it has been notified that the
warranty is void as the phone is dropped in water, I
may not be able to replace the PCS Phone on your account.

Further, considering the long time association, I offer to waive $75.00 from the cost of new phone. For this, you will need to purchase a new phone at the full price and write back to us so that we can apply the
$75.00 credit on your account.

Thank you again for emailing us, I enjoyed helping you
and look forward to working with you in future. Have a
great day.

Parry S.
Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"


Two days ago a complaint I sent to executive. Offices@sprint.com was forwarded to Parry S. Of E-Care. Parry isn't handling it well, it appears to me that English is not his first language. I've attached the exchange to the bottom of this message.

Parry doesn't seem to be able to understand that my phone was not "dropped in water", that it was only "immersed" in the imagination of "Retail Comunications Cunsultant" [sic] Christina Lynn Blondheim. You might want to take this matter out of Parry's hands and assign it to someone with a better grasp of the language.

Oh, by the way, your slogan, "Where our customers come first!", is a load of crap. Have a nice day.

De Pere, WI
Dear Steven,

I have read all the previous interactions regarding
your phone issue and realize that you have been
inconvenienced by the situation.

We have now considered all aspects associated with
your case and now offer to apply $150.00 as the
discount on the purchase of the new PCS Phone.

For this, you will need to purchase a new phone at the
full price and write back to us so that we can apply the $150.00 credit on your

We value your loyalty and look forward to serving you
for years to come.
Thank you.

Parry S.
Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Parry,

You've read all my previous messages? Then why did you suggest I have the phone examined at another Sprint Store AFTER I'd written that I had the phone examined at another Sprint Store?

Why haven't you answered my question? You said it has been verified that the phone has been dropped in water. "Verify" means "to prove the truth of by presentation of evidence or testimony." I asked you to please explain to me EXACTLY how that was done. What evidence was used to support Ms. Blondheim's assertion that this phone had been immersed in water?

Your offer of a $150.00 discount on the purchase of a replacement phone that carries a price of $189.99 is not satisfactory. This phone is still under warranty and it should be replaced under that warranty.

I don't think I'll be with Sprint for years to come. You can't expect to create a solid base of loyal customers when you refuse to honor your warranty.

You have a nice day,

De Pere, WI
Dear Veronica,

Thank you for replying back to us.

The maximum credit which we can apply to your account
is $150.00.

Further, you can contact us at 1-888-211-4727 from a
landline phone or by dialing *2TALK from your phone.
Our specialist will be glad to assist you.

We do have high call volumes at times, which are
responsible for long hold times. However, if you would
like to contact us between the hours of 6:00 A.M. And
10:00 A.M. CST, we have lower call volumes and would be
able to answer your call quicker.

Thank you for emailing us. We appreciate your
relationship with us, and look forward to serving you
in the future.

Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Christopher,

I called that number you provided at 8:53AM CDT today, I spoke with "Jessie". Jessie informed me that Ms. Blondheim wrote in the notations that my daughter "admitted she dropped it in water". My daughter did not drop this phone in any water and certainly did not admit to something she did not do. What she actually told Ms. Blondheim was that the phone was in her canvas purse along with a bottle of drinking water. She noticed a wet spot on the side of her purse. She immediately opened the purse, removed the phone, and sealed the bottle tightly. She examined the phone and found no water on it, then placed it in a pocket. All she told Ms. Blondheim was that the phone MAY have gotten wet. She didn't know for certain if it had or had not. To Ms. Blondheim this is an admission that the phone was "dropped in water", that it had been "immersed".

I went to see Ms. Blondheim today at the Sprint Store. After reviewing her notes she remembered my daughter's visit. I asked her how she determined the phone was damaged by water. She told me she took it to the back room and had a technician examine it, and the technician found corrosion in the accessories port. But my daughter told me Ms. Blondheim returned the phone to her before going to the back room to consult with the manager. The only person to examine the phone at the Sprint Store that day was Ms. Blondheim.

Two days later a technician at the Sprint Store in De Pere could not find any corrosion in the accessories port or anywhere else. Ms. Blondheim was unable to explain why the supposed immersion of the phone did not trip any of the moisture detectors.

Ms. Blondheim told me that Sprint does not provide the warranty on the phone, that it is done by Sanyo. She told me Sprint could process the warranty claim for a fee of $50.00 (it may have been $55.00, I can't be sure). But the warranty in the Sprint PCS Phone Guide for the Sanyo VI-2300 says "SPRINT SPECTRUM, L.P., (Sprint) offers you a limited arranty..."; "For a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase, Sprint will, at its option, either pay the parts and labor charges to any authorized PCS Phone service facility to repair or replace a defective product..." "Sanyo" doesn't
appear anywhere in the warranty that I can see.

The warranty lists a number of events that void the warranty of the phone, none of them have happened to this phone. Sprint is refusing to honor a valid warranty, refusal to honor the valid warranty constitutes breach of the subscriber agreement by Sprint.

Parry S. Of E-Care told me it had been verified that the phone had been dropped in water. I twice asked him how that was accomplished, but he ignored my requests. It's really a very simple question. "Verify" means "to prove the truth of by presentation of evidence or testimony." Now I'm asking you, what evidence was used to support Ms. Blondheim's assertion that this phone had been immersed in water? I really do expect an answer. If you can't tell me how it was verified I have to conclude he lied to me when
he said that it had.

Have a nice day,

De Pere, WI

Dear Steven,
Thank you for replying back to us.

Your account and issue has been analyzed and reviewed
with a supervisor. We have understood and considered
all of the facts and issues raised in your most recent

Please contact us at 1-888-211-4727 and once you reach
our Interactive Voice Recognition System, give the
verbal command "Supervisor or Manager" and your call
will be forwarded to a supervisor.

Thank you for emailing us. We appreciate your
relationship with us, and look forward to serving
you in the future.

Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Christopher,

It is now 8:35 AM CDT. I just tried that number you provided. I did exactly what you said, I called 1-888-211-4727 and once I reached your Interactive Voice Recognition System, I gave the verbal command "Supervisor or Manager". A female voice came on the line and asked how she could help me. I responded that I received an email from Sprint directing me to call that number and ask for a supervisor or manager. The line was then silent for some ten seconds or so, then there was a busy signal.

I'm a patient man, but my patience with Sprint has grown extremely thin. I'm through playing games with your phone system and exchanging email. If Sprint wishes to resolve this issue have someone in a position to take the necessary corrective actions call me at 920-336-9163 at noon CDT today. Have that person be prepared to answer my previously asked questions which have been ignored.

Have a nice day,

De Pere, WI

Dear Steven,

Thank you for replying back.
A representative will be contacting you within 48 hours
as you requested. Please allow us time to research your
issue, before we contact you back.

I appreciate you emailing us today.

Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Angel,

Three days ago Christopher of E-Care wrote; "Your account and issue has been analyzed and reviewed with a supervisor. We have understood and considered all of the facts and issues raised in your most recent communication." If it was analyzed, reviewed, and understood three days ago why would any time be needed to research it now? Who was Christopher referring to?

Is there not one person at Sprint that gives a damn about customer service?

De Pere, WI
Dear Steven,

Thank you for replying back.

In order to help you in a better way we require to
research your issue. Therefore, please co-operate with us.

Our specialist will be contacting you within 48 hours.
Thank you for contacting us. Have a great day.

Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Steven,

Thank you for writing back to us.

The best way to resolve your billing concerns is via
verbal conversation over the phone. Therefore, I have
forwarded your case to our Billing Department and one
of the representatives will call you on 920-336-9163
within next 24-48 hours.

It sometimes is much easier to resolve the issue when
talking live over the phone.

Thank you for contacting us. Have a great day.

Business E-Care
Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Steven,

This email is in continuation to your correspondence
regarding the handset problem.
I am the supervisor at E-Care and this email has come
up as an escalation.

I am extremely sorry for the frustration you have
experienced due to the behavior of the representative
at the Sprint Store and Customer service.

I have reviewed your account and noticed that the Sanyo 2300 phone was activated on July 09 on the phone number 920-265-1662. Since this phone is still under warranty, I am taking the following actions on your

1. I am sending a new Sanyo 2300 handset at the following

De Pere, WI

The handset processing confirmation number is PK9J343.

2. I am applying the temporary credit of $189.99 (equal
to the price of the handset) on your account;

3. I am also sending the Return Kit for the Sanyo 2300
handset you currently have so that you can return the

Upon receipt of the handset and the Return Kit, please
take the following actions:

1. Call us at 1-888-211-4727 from a landline phone to
get the new handset activated;
2. Return the Sanyo 2300 handset you currently have by
keeping the same in the Return Kit.
3. Write back to us with the tracking number of the
Return Kit.

When the handset is received in the Warehouse, I will
apply the permanent credit of $189.99 to your account.
However, if the handset does not reach Warehouse within
10 days, your account will be charged $189.99 (equal to
the price of the new handset).

Please feel free to write back if you have any other
questions. Have a great day!

Nikki G.
Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Nikki,

The replacement Sanyo 2300 handset was received and
activated on May 11th. The original Sanyo 2300 handset
which was purchased on July 9, will be returned to Sprint at the end of the Subscriber Agreement, December 16, upon receipt of a statement showing a zero balance.

Approximately three months elapsed between the date which Sprint was made aware of the problems with this handset and
the date it was finally replaced. Clearly, if the phone isot functioning properly the service I'm paying for is not eing provided. Therefore Sprint must issue a credit for three months of service on the
920-NNN-NNNN line.

Have a nice day.

De Pere, WI

Dear Steven,

Thank you for contacting Sprint together with Nextel
about the handset.

The handset that you have received on May 11 was
sent as a replacement for your existing Sanyo 2300
handset which you initially activated on July 09.
In doing this, your Subscriber Agreement has not been

For completing the replacement process, you have to
return the previous Sanyo 2300 handset. If the handset is not returned, the system will apply the charge of $189.99 (equal to the price of the new handset) to the account.

Please return the previous Sanyo 2300 handset
(ESN: 2D940731) in the Return Kit sent across with the
new handset within 10 days.
Please feel free to write back if you have any other
questions. Have a great day!

Nikki G.
Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Nikki,

You're correct that the handset that I received on May 11, that was sent as a replacement for my existing Sanyo 300 handset which I initially activated on July 9, does not extend my Subscriber Agreement. My Subscriber Agreement was extended when I purchased two additional phones and upgraded service on December 16.

However, you're incorrect when you say the previous Sanyo 2300 handset must be returned to complete the replacement process. That process was completed on May 11th when I activated the replacement handset. I fully understand your desire to obtain the original handset. It constitutes the only physical proof that Sprint attempted to void a valid warranty by declaring the phone had been immersed in water. For that same reason I must retain that phone to the end of the contract. At that time, upon receipt of a statement showing a zero balance, I will return the original Sanyo 2300 handset (ESN: 2D940731) in the Return Kit sent
across with the new handset.

Have a nice day,

De Pere, WI

Dear Steven,

Thank you for replying back to us. I would be happy
to assist you with the replacement.

The Sanyo 2300 (ESN: 2D940731) was activated on the
account on July 09. At that time you would have
made the payment towards the price of the handset.
Since you made 1 payment, you cannot have two handsets
with you. You need to return 1 handset in order to
complete the transaction and cancel the charge for the
second handset.

If the handset is not returned before June 03,
the account will be charged for the price of the
second handset.

It was a pleasure assisting you and I look forward to
more opportunities to serve you in future. Have a great

Nikki G.
Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Nikki,

There will be no charge for the replacement handset.
That handset will be returned to Sprint at the termination
of the present contract upon receipt of a statement
showing a zero balance.

There will be a credit for the three months of service
that I paid for on this line but was not provided by

This is not a negotiation.

Have a nice day,

De Pere, WI

Dear Steven,

Thank you for replying back to us about the handset
issue. I would be happy to assist you.

A representative will be contacting you in this regard.
Please allow us time to research your issue, before we
contact you back in the next 24-48 hours

Thank you for emailing us. We appreciate your
relationship with us, and look forward to serving you
in the future.

Edwin V.
Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Edwin,

The credits for the handset and the three months of lost service have not yet been applied to my account. As you
know, payments are being withheld on this account until
these corrections are made. The monthly service charge
on the 920-NNN-NNNN line is $69.99. Taxes, surcharges
and fees for the three months concerned were $37.83 and
the charge for the replacement handset mistakenly charged
to my account is $189.99 for a total of $437.79.

Have a nice day.

De Pere, WI

Dear Steven,

Thank you for your email.

I can see how you feel a credit to your account is
required here. However, after looking at your account
and going through the entire issue and interactions
which you had with us through phone and email, I am sorry to inform you that it will not be possible to apply a credit against the three months of service and handset (until the old handset is returned).

The new phone was issued to you for free considering
the fact that we will be receiving the old phone back
within ten days. Also, the notes on your account state hat the warranty was void as the phone was immersed in water. However, considering your long term relationship wth us, we issued you a free phone.

If the old phone is not returned by June 04, the
system will automatically charge $189.99 on the account.
I appreciate you emailing us today. Thanks.

Leslie S.
Business E-Care
Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Leslie,

I have received your requests that I pay again for the phone and also for the services that were not provided by Sprint. Those requests are denied.

The phone was not immersed, the warranty was in full force and the phone was replaced under the warranty. There is no charge for replacement under warranty, that charge must be removed.

Full service was not available during the three months that Sprint refused to honor the warranty. Those service charges are to be refunded.

Once these corrections are made to my account payments to Sprint will resume.

The original handset will be returned to Sprint at the end of the contract period upon receipt of a statement showing a zero balance.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Have a nice day.

De Pere, WI

Dear Steven,

Thank you for contacting Sprint together with Nextel.
I understand the inconvenience you have experienced
while trying to get the issue resolved.

As explained earlier, it is not possible to apply the
credit for three months of service. However, taking
your case as an exception, we can apply the credit for
one month of service. If you agree to this, write
back to us and we will be glad to assist you. Also,
the replacement phone has been sent to you at no extra
charge as of May 10. However, you are requested
to return the old handset at the earliest.

Thank you for emailing us. Have a great day!

Shana M.
Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Shana,

I agree to a credit of one month of service. A month is fair as there was partial service during that three month period. I demanded a full refund for partial service only because Sprint demanded full payment for partial service. The monthly service charge is $69.99, taxes, surcharges, and fees were $19.56, and the charge for the replacement handset was $189.99. Once these credits appear on my statement payments will resume. The original handset will be returned to Sprint at the end of the contract period upon receipt of a statement showing a zero balance.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Have a nice day.

De Pere, WI
Dear Steven,

Thank you for contacting Sprint together with Nextel.
I understand your concern about the credit for one
month of service.

Looking at the inconvenience you have experienced, I
have adjusted your account with a credit of $89.55.
This credit will be reflected on your next invoice. You are requested to return the handset at the earliest.
As explained earlier, the amount of $189.99 will be
billed to your account if the old phone is not returned to us.

Thank you for emailing us. Have a great day!

Shana M.
Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"
Dear Shana,

As explained earlier, the phone was replaced under warranty. As there is no charge for replacement under warranty the $189.99 charge for the replacement phone is an error on the part of Sprint and must be corrected before payments can resume. The original handset will be returned to Sprint at the end of the contract period upon receipt of a statement showing a zero balance.

Have a nice day,

De Pere, WI

Dear Steven,

Thank you for writing us back.

I agree with you that there should be no charge for
the replacement phone under the warranty. However,
when you replace the phone under warranty the old phone needs to be returned to us. Since you did not return the old phone, this is the reason why the credit of$189.99 is for a temporary basis. Once we receive the
old phone, your account will be adjusted with the
necessary credit.

Have a great day!

Shana M.
Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Shana,

I understand your desire to gain possession of the original handset as soon as possible. The handset is the only physical evidence of Sprint's attempt to void a valid warranty by declaring the phone had been immersed in water. But if I return the phone at this time I will have no means to force Sprint to honor the contract. The $189.99 charge for the replacement phone must be credited before payments can resume. The original handset will be returned to Sprint at the end of the contract period upon receipt of a statement showing a zero balance.

Have a nice day,

De Pere, WI

Dear Steven,

Thank you for writing us once again.

We can only apply the permanent credit to the account
once we receive the old handset back. For further
assistance, please contact us by dialing *2TALK from
your PCS Phone or by dialing 1-888-211-4727 from a
landline phone. Our specialist will be glad to assist you.

Thank you for emailing us. Have a great day!

Shana M.
Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Shana,

The $189.99 charge for the replacement phone must be credited before payments can resume. The original handset will be returned to Sprint at the end of the contract period upon receipt of a statement showing a zero balance. This is not open to negotiation.

Have a nice day.

De Pere, WI

Dear Steven,

Thank you for replying back.

A representative will be contacting you within 48 hours. Please allow us time to research your issue, before we contact you back.
Thank you for contacting us. Have a great day.

Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"
Dear Angel,

It's been nearly a week since you told me a representative will be contacting me within 48 hours. No representative has contacted me.

As you know, it has been decided that Sprint will issue a credit for the $189.99 charge for the replacement phone before payments will resume. Can you explain why that credit has not yet been issued?

Have a nice day.

De Pere, WI
ear Steven,

Thank you for replying back.

A representative will be contacting you within 48 hours. Please allow us time to research your issue, before wecontact you back.
Thank you for contacting us. Have a great day.

Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Angel,

It's now been nearly two weeks since you told me a representative will be contacting me within 48 hours.
No representative has contacted me.instead, I just
received an imminent disconnection notice via US Mail.
It states that my service will be disconnected unless
payment of $421.71 is received by Sprint within ten days.
But that amount includes $189.99 for the phone which was replaced under warranty. As you know, it has been
decided that that charge must be credited before any
payments can be made. Sprint has put itself in the curious position of demanding payment while effectively blocking payment!

Apparently the Sprint billing department has not been made aware of the requirement to issue a credit for the $189.99
that was improperly charged for the phone replaced under warranty. Please make them aware of that requirement.
Once that credit has been issued, payments will resume.
That is the ONLY way payments will resume. The original handset will be returned to Sprint at the end of the contract period upon receipt of a statement showing a zero balance. That is the ONLY way the original handset will be returned.

Have a nice day.

De Pere, WI
Dear Steven,

Thank you for replying back.

To best address your concerns, please contact us by
dialing 1-888-211-4727 from a landline phone. Our
specialists will be glad to assist you.

Thank you for contacting us. Have a great day.

Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"
Dear Angel,

I tried calling that number, the person that responded was unfamiliar with this situation.

But there isn't anything to discuss anyway. All that's necessary is that Sprint understands that payments cannotbe made until the credit is issued. So if Sprint wants to receive payment it will issue the credit, if Sprintdoesn't care to receive payment it will not issue the credit. It's all out of my hands now, there's nothing more I can do to resolve this. If the credit is not issued no payment will be made and I assume Sprint will then terminate service.

If Sprint terminates service it will forfeit payment of the entire amount due as well as the original handset. Please make sure Sprint is aware of that.

Have a nice day.

De Pere, WI
Dear Steven,

Thank you for replying back.

I understand you wish to continue corresponding with
us regarding this issue. Your account has been nalyzed
and reviewed with a supervisor. We have understood and
considered all of the facts and issues raised in
your most recent communication. However, our previous
correspondence hasstated our final position.

We appreciate your valuable time, since no further action for this issue is required, we are closing this
Thank you for contacting us. Have a great day.

Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Dear Angel,

I acknowledge your confirmation that Sprint has chosen to terminate service and to forfeit the balance it shows due on this account and to the original handset. I think that an odd choice, but I will respect it. I will take my business to one of Sprint's competitors with a better sense of customer service. That appears to be all of them. As I stated in my initial message last April, a full report of Sprint's performance, including the attempt to void a valid warranty, will be made to print and internet consumer reporting
services. This matter will then be closed.

Have a nice day.

De Pere, WI
Dear Steve,

Thank you for replying back.

To best address your concerns, please contact us by
dialing *2TALK from your PCS Phone or by dialing
1-888-211-4727 from a landline phone. Our
specialists will be glad to assist you.

Thank you for contacting us. Have a great day.

Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"
Dear Angel,

I'm just a little curious. Did you actually read any of my messages? Does anyone at E-Care actually read the messages? Is anyone at E-Care fluent in English? In what country are you located?
This was the worst example of customer service I have ever experienced.

Have a nice day.

De Pere, WI

That's the end of my email exchange with E-Care and Sprint, the last mesage was sent on June 20th. On my last statement Sprint added a $150.00 termination fee for each of the three lines, even though it was Sprint that decided to terminate service! Today I received a phone call from RPM collections. I told their representative that I owed nothing on the account and would consider any further contact from them to be harassment, but I suspect there will be further contact.!

De Pere, Wisconsin

Company: Sprint
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Kansas City
Address: PO Box 219554
  <     >  


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