Sprint PCS
Getting Screwed too many times, Sprint broke the Camel's Back

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Sprint charged me over $200 for data usage in two months besides the monthly fee of $100. Although I claim to have downloaded nothing at all (like ringtones, Screensavers, Etc) they still say I owe them for data usage.

The person at the Sprint store said I'd have to use it a lot to have such charges. I never used the phone as a computer. Once I had the Vision portion of my phone shut down they said my data usage stopped.

I live within 200 feet of a Cell phone tower. My boyfriend's bill went crazy with unfounded charges. No matter how we complained it doesn't seem to matter. The answer is this, "You owe us money no matter what you say or do, and it doesn't matter what the truth is. YOU ARE WRONG AND WE ARE RIGHT."

They are all like that. My electric bill went up from about $100 a month to over $400 in one month. What is wrong with people in customer service? They get b*d out because when you ask nicely they give you the nice answer mentioned above.By the way I have never b*d out the Cust. Rep.

Company: Sprint PCS
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sprintpcs. com
Site: sprintpcs.com
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