Community Reading Club Of California
Ripoff scam for magazines says that you owe them $600-900

Shops, Products, Services

I was contacted today regarding a debt that I "owe" to this Communtiy Reading Club Of Southern California. It was a collection agency claiming to be a lwayers office named "Luebke Baker and ass." told me that the total amount owed to this so called compnay was 698.00 but this agent was able to get them to settle for 400.00 she also stated that she woudl knock off an additional 100.00 if i would post date a check for 30 days. Told her that I never agreed to order thses magazines and that I had never recieved any of the ones she said that i subscribed to throughthis "company".

PLEASE NOT IT IS A SCAM!!! I WANT EVERY ONE TO KNOW THIS they have called continiously for they past few weeks we just quit answering the phone. Until today when my 5 year old decided to answer the phone an dtell them that i was there they are harassers and fraudulent schemes!!! I h ope that the governmnment will do something. The copanies listed above need to be be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

I agreed to a payment gave them my acct infi (which i was so stupid to do) but after looking at this site, to see that i am not the first or only person that they are scamming: my husband and i will be at the bank first thing in the am to change our acct!!! You may have fooled me once but f off if you fool me and get away with it.

I just want everyone to know that this is a scam and do not fall for it ever. If you want magazines order them from that company itself not an outsourced agency, which would of course be cheaper. UGHH I am so stupid, i could go on for hours!!!

Athens, Alabama

Company: Community Reading Club Of California
Country: USA
State: California
City: Redono Beach
Address: 400 Torrence Blvd
Phone: 3107921101
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Community Reading Club Of Southern California - Worldwide Preferred Publishers
Ripoff Dishonest and Fraudulent Billing Techniques Used

Community Reading Club Of Southern California
RIPOFF I was contacted by the CRC of Southern California to purchase magazines Would not let me cancel subscription

Community Reading Club Of Southern California
Community Reading Club, CRC Of Southern California ripoff can't cancel, scam

Luebke Baker And Associates
Fraudulent collection letter Ripoff

Community Reading Club Of Southern California - Worldwide Preferred Publishers Service
Community Reading Club Of Southern California Worldwide Preferred Publishers Service Misled me to believe i could cancel at any time, as well on the duration that i had to pay. Ripoff

Community Reading Club Of Southern California

Community Reading Club Of Southern California - CRC Of Southern California
Community Reading Club Of Southern California CRC Of Southern California ripoff, customer service people nonexistant ripoff

Community Reading Club Of Southern California AKA CRC Of Southern California
Ripoff, telemarketers calling even though I've performed the do not call

Community Reading Club, Redondo Beach, Community Reading Club Of Southern California, & More
Community Reading Club, Redondo Beach, & More They obtained our financial records and proceeded to bill us-we did not order from them. This has been going on for over two years. This is one out of about 10 magazine companies. Wouldn't cancel acct

Luebke, Baker And Associates
Harassment and Total incompetence ripoff