Community Reading Club Of Southern California - CRC Of Southern California
Community Reading Club Of Southern California CRC Of Southern California ripoff, customer service people nonexistant ripoff

Politics & Government

I have been with this particular agency for 2 years now. I have the first canceled check and other proof and forms of payment. I have contacted them on several occasions and have not heard back from them.

I am in the process of having my credit card company no longer accept payment from and change my number. I am also contacting my bank to let them know. I want and demand that my subscriptions be cancelled asap. This is the worst thing and most stupid thing I have ever gotten into.

When these people call RUN! They are dishonest, they scam, they fraud, they do not know the meaning of good business. They say on their slip that their customer service staff stands ready to help you, but I have yet to experience that.

The last time I called them was one week ago on May 26. I was on hold for 21 minutes and 18 seconds when I was hung up on left to hear, if you'd like to make a call please hang up and try your call again. I decided to call back but not wait on hold and instead leave a message which I did. I left a message and left my home number as well as my cell phone number because I was going out of town which i stated on my message and letting them know that all my papers and information needed would be with me.

I did not and have not heard from them. I will be calling and leaving another message this morning to see if they repond. I will update this when I have heard from them and let everyone know what they said or I will let everyone know that they once agin did not contact me.

Company: Community Reading Club Of Southern California - CRC Of Southern California
Country: USA
State: California
City: Redondo Beach
Address: PO Box 3089
Phone: 3017921101
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Community Reading Club Of Southern California AKA CRC Of Southern California
Ripoff, telemarketers calling even though I've performed the do not call

Community Reading Club Of Southern California - CRC Of Southern California
Ripoff, bad customer service

Community Reading Club Of Southern California
Community Reading Club, CRC Of Southern California ripoff can't cancel, scam

Community Reading Club Of Southern California
CRC Of Southern California ripoff

Community Reading Club Of Southern California - Worldwide Preferred Publishers Service
Community Reading Club Of Southern California Worldwide Preferred Publishers Service Misled me to believe i could cancel at any time, as well on the duration that i had to pay. Ripoff

Community Reading Club Of Southern California
RIPOFF I was contacted by the CRC of Southern California to purchase magazines Would not let me cancel subscription

Community Reading Club Of Southern California-Worldwide Preferred Publishers Service
Fraudulant subscription terms, dishonest, fraudulant billing

North Leap
Ripoff, scam artists

Community Reading Club, Redondo Beach, Community Reading Club Of Southern California, & More
Community Reading Club, Redondo Beach, & More They obtained our financial records and proceeded to bill us-we did not order from them. This has been going on for over two years. This is one out of about 10 magazine companies. Wouldn't cancel acct

Community Reading Club Of Southern California - Worldwide Preferred Publishers
Ripoff Dishonest and Fraudulent Billing Techniques Used