Ripoff Unauthorized bank transactions

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I, too have fallen victim to the lies, rudeness, and unwillingness to help of the customer rep department of this poorly run company of DIRECTV. I never in my life have dealt with such unwilling to help people. I have reviewed the other reports that customers have wrote and the rebuttals by those who are employed by this so-called company. How can they condone the rude actions of their coworkers! In my part of the usa our motto in business is the customers always right. You'll find a way to recover but you'll always have customers because they are satisfied.

I am a business owner and have encountered folks who didn't like a certain charge and i adjusted to make them happy but learned i could recoupe other ways and they are still my customer happy as ever.

Last month when my DIRECTV bill was due I paid as I always have-online with debit card. I had a huge bill because they put my NFL Sunday Ticket all on one bill instead of the usual spreading out over months starting in July. My bill was $407. I paid the minimum allowed payment with authorization code given to me by customer rep and my banking institution.

I do my banking online so come Monday morning (I made payment on Saturday) I check my bank account which I do daily and my payment of $212 was taken out with authorization number as usual but then that very morning there was a transaction using my routing numbers off the bottom of my checks taken out for $159 to DIRECTV with no authorization code.

I immediately call my bank because it won't hardpost until the next morning. They confirm the way and the name it was transacted with but cant trace the route the money went yet.

So I call the WONDERFUL people at the account dept of DIRECTV!

They don't have any transactions in my account for that amount, just a $212 payment. They ask me to send a copy of my bank statement to the finance dept via fax. I do that within 2 minutes. No response that day. Next day it hardposts money goes to DIRECTV my account overdrafts now im incurring $29 a day for someones mess up.

I call again and I get a rep who sounds like an automated machine. Don't answer my questions, just has a one track line over and over until I lost my patince with her and I asked for a transfer to the finance dept where my statement is faxed and they are supposed to be handling it. "Sorry ma'am they don't have a direct line, we have to make requests to them."

Well someone better get requesting because it has now been two weeks and my bank has refunded me the money and investigating AND keeping me informed of their progress unlike the "good folks at DIRECTV who really don't give a crap about anyone."

Where do they find these employees or should I say is brainwashing part of their employee training? No human should be as uncaring as these people are. Sorry to those select few that are good employees but they obviously don't put you in the customer service dep't.

And for all you who are employed there and rebuttal these complaints-can't you see a trend here? I'm almost at the point of believing these identity thefts are being done right out of the finance dep't of DIRECTV! How easy it would be! Access to all these bank numbers and capable of hiding payments where they want them.

This company needs to be thoroughly investigated before they go under because I can't see them keeping too many customers when they treat them like this. And there are a select few of us who need questions answered and closure before they close up shop!

Moral of this story is... Yes i still owed DIRECTV a balance of $195. But i still do even after the $159 was taken and never credited to my account. Had it been there would not be this complaint! I owed it. It would've been wrong without being authorized but I owed it.


Company: Directv
Country: USA
State: California
City: Glendale
Address: P.O. Box 29079
Phone: 8005315000
  <     >  


Charged Bank Account Twice, No Refund

Direct TV
Directtv, DIRECTTV, DIRECT TV Fraudulant un-authorized charge2debit card/bank account. Unlawfully bills customers

Direct TV
Consumer Report

Took My Money Without My Permission

Unauthorized debit

Withdrew money from bank account without authorization

Ripped me off but I got my money back!

Stole money from my account

DirecTV-unauthorized EFT from an account used for previous payment

Direct TV Fraudulet Debit Card Charge For Unauthorized Payment Charged to My Bank Account