Sprint PCS
Ripoff Customer Disservice Takes my money but can't credit it to my account

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I am not usually a customer who complains. I have worked in the service industry & know that sometimes you can't make the customer happy. But my ongoing dilemma with Sprint is really the last straw.

I've accepted that anytime I want 1) a new phone, even though their equipment offerings are behind every other providers in my area; 2) to add or change my service; I will need to extend my service (at last count, we were on the hook til that's 3 lines of service). But when I get my account changed without my permission, leaving a credit balance of $370 on the defunct account & spend time on the phone with customer service to no avail, I'm pretty upset. What is even more surreal is that they send me a statement on the old account with a credit balance every month, but insist that I have to prove to them that I paid this money to them. I pay my bills, work for my money & don't take waht doesn't belong to me. The fact that a large corporation is allowed to basically steal from me is a problem.

Currently, I have a complaint filed with the Dept of Consumer Affairs. Next step? I'm not sure. Mostly, I'm frustrated & sad that I have to resort to stuff like this to get my own money. I've heard that complaining to the Better Business Bureau doesn't really do much, but at this point I'm willing to do anything. I'm not interested in a lawsuit, just want my money where it belongs.

Company: Sprint PCS
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: London
Address: P.O. Box 8077
Phone: 8887884727
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