Ripoff ignore authorized client instruction has no understnading of the value of personal information

Shops, Products, Services

The company's business is to verify foreign transcripts and diplomas. On the application form, I requested my documents and the transcripts I paid for to be sent registered mail when they are done with the verification. The company claims that they sent the package registered mail but they never gave me an original proof of that, only a fax with an unclaimed register mail slip which can be altered. I never was notified of the package even though I had my P.O. Box for many years and I NEVER HAD THIS TYPE OF PROBLEM BEFORE!

They claim that the package had been returned to them. When supposedly they sent the package out the second time (even though I have no proof of the fact that they ever sent it out on the first place) they sent it regular mail giving it to a "personal friend" at the post office and the package got lost.

Even if it were true that this was the second delivery, since I never received the documents thus I never received what I paid for, and never gotten a request to pay a second registered mail, there is no excuse for the company to send such important documents regular mail.

Even common sense dictates that if you had a problem with a delivery on the first time, you would not take a chance to have a problem on the second time and send it as secured as possible.

The documents had all my personal information and I believe that as a result of that I started to have many problems including my credit card number was used by strangers.

I contacted the director Mr. Sheety and explained to him what happened and asked that AERC take responsibility for its mistake and replace my documents.instead of agreeing to rectify the situation and replace the documents he sent me some evaluation report (which I paid for and never received) and offered another three reports even though these stuff is useless to me at this point and that was not what I ask for.

He is hiding behind corporate mumbo jumbo stating that he is not responsible and it is stating so on the application I signed. However Mr. Sheety forgets that if he had any immunity regarding this issue, which I doubt, he had lost it at the minute he had sent the document regular mail, since it was requested and paid for as registered mail.

They lost vital documents that are almost impossible to replace ignoring the customer's instruction to send the document via registered mail as it was paid for. The company was not truthful with me from the beginning and I had to confront them and ask for the tracking number for them to admit that indeed they did not send the package as they were suppose to.

When I reported them to the BBB and to the Attorney General's office Mr. Sheety made up all kind off stuff just to protect his company instead of acting professional just once and agree to replace the documents or pay for its replacement. So far they refused to pay for the documents replacement offering only the amount I paid since he knows that to replace the documents would cost hundreds more.

Mission Viejo, California

Company: Aerc
Country: USA
State: California
City: West Covina
Address: P.O. Box 996
Phone: 6263394404
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