Correctional Billing Services
Ripoff with excessive charges Jasper County Detention Center SC

Shops, Products, Services

In 6 phone calls 100.00 in calls no more then 4-15 minutes has disappeared. Not to mention the taxes they add when your 50 minimum is gone AND 8.00 to add their 50.00 minimum each time for their fee to make the money they do with their high rates.

This company needs to be banned and I want regular collect calls to come back thru. Why the h*l should we pay someone else when our money already goes to operators?

Something needs to be done, someone tell me how and I wont wuit till it is done. 8.00 to add money, high usage rates, and taxed to death.

Company: Correctional Billing Services
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Selma
Address: Po Box 1010
Phone: 8008446591
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Correctional Billing Services - Tnetix
Correctional billing didn't blocked other prison call as promise, call rates has changed from $. 85 to $ 2.80 the first min and $. 30 per min all in the state of Maryland $11.87 for 30 min

Correctional Billing Services
They won't put my local calls through

Correctional Billing
Services Taking ADVANTAGE of already DISADVANTAGED people and families Internet Only

Correctional Billing Services
Evercom ripoff rates, horrible service

Correctional Billing Services
Evercom ripoff, calls always dropped

Correctional Billing Services
Rip Off

Qwest T-Netix - Correctional Billing Services
Qwest, T-Netix, Correctional Billing Services My bill is paid and Qwest, T - Netix Correctional Billing Services will not un-block my line!

Correctional Billing Services

Correctional Billing Services

Correctional Billing Services - CBS
Single Mothers Robbed... To Accept, Press Zero, ripoff