National Enterprise Systems
Ripoff fake collections-will not provide proof of debt unless you agree to pay

Shops, Products, Services

NES has complaints against it in several states. They obtain private cell phone numbers and unlisted numbers illegally and call at all hours of day and night to harrasses and then when you ask for proof of debt, they want fifty dollars to provide proof.

Company boasts it has over 1100 employees but thourgh review of company phone system reveals it is not cabable to support that many employees.

Currently collection company for Verizon and I nor any member of my family has never had a Verizon account.

Romance, Arkansas

Company: National Enterprise Systems
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Solon
Address: 29125 Solon Road
Phone: 4405421360
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Asset Acceptance LLC
Debt collection for company that does not even have service in my state. Will not provide proof of debt

Verizon Ripoff, dishonest, fraudulent

Afni Collections - Verizon
Trying to collect on a 9 yr old debt that isn't mine, ripoff, I was able to get through to a human and have phone numbers for anyone who wants them

Midland Credit
Brain dead individuals that do not know credit and collection act laws

MRS Associates

Afni Collections
Attempt to Collect a Verizon Debt ripoff

Collections Trying to collect a debt that never happened ripoff

Received collection notice - never had a Verizon account ripoff

Allied Collection Services
Dba Mr. Skip Trace - Buffalo Highlands Multiple FDCPA violations, REFUSAL to provide PROOF of debt, attempting to collect debt that is past statute of limitations! Ripoff

Rip-off & their hidden charges -check your bills