Collections Trying to collect a debt that never happened ripoff

Business & Finance

I saw another report on here about Afni, the same thing happened to me. THey are a collection agency collecting bad debts. They sent me a letter a few weeks ago informing me of a debt they were trying to collect from 1995. The debt was from Bell Atlantic (which merged with Verizon I believe a long time ago) at an address I have never heard of.

I have never had bad things on my credit report, so I was confused and called them. They said it was for phone service and the address listed for the phone was unknown to me. The bill was for almost $800, and when I asked for some sort of proof of this debt they would provide nothing. They asked that I sent a certified letter, I did.

Weeks have gone by and I have received no repsonse although they have received my letter stating I needed proof of ownership of this debt. It has never appeared on my credit history, from Verizon, Bell Atlantic or Afni. Nothing is in bad standing on my credit history for that fact. This is supposedly 12 years old, I can find no possibility that this is some sort of identity theft.

I don't know about anyone else, I wouldn't hand over $800 to anyone without proof, but apparenlty Afni wants you to. Beware of this company sending letters out, I really believe it is some sort of phishing with snail mail and they got my name and address from recently buying a home.

Company: Afni
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Address: PO Box 3427
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Verizon debt paid 7 years ago

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