RipOff of the Elderly by Alltel cellula

Shops, Products, Services

My 74 year old mother is from North Carolina and lives with me in Orlando FL for the winter. She was advised by her cell phone company, Altell thet she could upgrade her cell phone and us it for free on weekends during her stay in Florida. Well that was not true at all. We received a bill that was out of this world and I found out that the contract was for two years also. I am so upset. I phoned Altel; they refused to help in anyway, and advised me that I would have to discuss it with the person that she purchased the phone from which was in a shopping mall. My mom said that it took her approximately two hours just to get her phone, and that the sales person appeared to be very unclear about every question that she asked. Do not do business with Altel.

Orlando, Florida

Company: Altell
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Charlotte
Address: PO Box 96019
Phone: 80077516623532
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Verizon - Verizon Wireless
Overcharged, services fraudlant, altell transition not seemless

Reverse auction bid / Web site loots thousands, $9.99 at a time, by manipulating flaws in Altell customer contracts'

Alert Cellular
Lie, Screwed, NO Help, Dirt Bags


Verizon - Verizon Wireless
Crooked as you can get

Wireless has ripped me off for over $350 for two phones I do not even own. Little Rock Arkansas, Atlanta

Altell Of Albany Ga
They are the only ones who are still Altell here. Rip Off, and called and they tried to make it good and made it worse, giving out Co. Secrets to me

Ripoff charged service disconnect fees when not disconnected. They wiil Steal, Lie And Cheat every way possible!

Cell phone head address challenge