Time Warner Cable
Ripoff steeling cable scam to people who don't have cable

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Guy from time warner wakes me up early in the morning and says he wants to come in, i dont have cable, my girl friend let him in. He hooked the wire up from the floor in the corner from behind my heater and turned my tv on and there was cable.

Dumbfounded we didnt know what to do. He wouldnt leave we, told him we didnt know any thing about it. He persisted we in possesion of stolen service and its a crime and possesion is nine tenths of the law. We werent in possesion of anything stolen untill he plugged the wire and turned my tv on. Just like before he came to the door i know he hooked up the wire that comes in behind my heater outside so it work when he plugged it in inside.

He was yelling and i think that he was trying to and succeeded in scaring us in to what ever he wanted us to pay. He threatned to called the cops, but wouldnt leave when i asked him to. He wouldnt call the cops reguardless of how manny time i told him i wasnt paying him $200 or signing anything that said i was in possesion os stolen service when i wasnt untill he hooked it up.

Finally he scared my girlfriend telling her that the lease is in her name and he has to persue her and needed her information and for her to sign it. She did and its a scam. He said he was comming to her work to pick up the $200 dollars on our next payday. Thats when i said i get paid the day before her and i would go to time warner and pay it early because has nervus we werent going to pay him. He did not like the idea he said he was pulling strings to give us a week because he was supposted to get it right then or call the cops and never would call the cops.

Finally i said i was if he didnt leave and thats when my girlfriend signed it and he left.

Just because we didnt get cable when moved in. I have a computer i dont have to pay time warner way too much for tv, i dont watch tv. I left the cable wire behind the heater for months sence i move here untill he pulled it out all dusty and plugged it in.

I feel that if he was honest he would have left and followed proper procedure when i told him i wasnt signing anything and that he needed to leave and do what ever he needed to do and i have a lawyer so go do it, and to play off my girlfrineds fears and in-expearance in stressfull situations untill i tell him to leave or im going to get the bat out of the closet and call the cops. Then leave and unhook the wire on the way.

Im calling his boss even if only to get him in trouble for giving us a week to pay, if any of what he said was even true!

If no one wants to use time warner cable and they arent making any money, dont scam people who cant give an account # when they call you and get diverted to morons, try not charging so much and dont ever mess with inocent people half asleep and scared, im not through with you!

Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Albany
Site: timewarnercable/albany.com
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