Jackson Hewitt
Independent Owner Lori And James Seary Tax service ripoff, overcharged for services and hiding behind office doors Bricktown

Shops, Products, Services

Me and my wife went to Ms. Seary's Jackson Hewitt Office to have our 2005 taxes prepared. When we arrived, we were told that someone would be with us shortly. There were a total of what we thought were 3 tax prepares that appeared to be doing nothing at all. They were actually surfing the net as I later found out. When this women came out of the back of the store with a child in her arms, she welcomed us to her store and again were told that someone would take care of us as soon as possible and then she scamperd off to the back of the store and into her I beleive her office.

Well it took nearly 15 moe minutes for someone to speak with us. At that time this person had no clue to any questions we asked nor did they explain that they would research the answers we wanted and get back to us. Well after sitting with them we explained that we wanted our refund if any to be submitted as a IRS Direct Deposit. So at this time we were given a price to prepare our taxes and were told to return the following day to sign them. When we returned the next day our taxes were completed as promised but..

Our tax return was submitted using Jackson Hewitt's ACR program. The total amount for this service increased our price by an additional $50.00.

At this point I asked that I speak with Lori and I was told she was not in the office. I knew that she was because I could hear the child she was carrying the day before crying and I heard Lori ask her to please be quite. Well she must have heard me talking because out from her office she came. She asked what the problem was and I explained that I did not ask for this additional service to be performed on my return and wanted a discount of $50.00 taken off of my bill, I was told that it could not be deducted because the transmission was already wired to the home office. At this point her baby became irriate and she excused herself from the main office area, NEVER TO RETURN.

I asked that I speak with her boss and that I would not leave until I got another contact to speak to. Well I never received a contact nor did I ever get the chance to speak with her.

After reading that others had the same experience, I had to tell mine. I hope that if anyone else reads this that they do not go to the place for having their taxes done! This is poor customer service and she propably benefitted from the additional services on top of the crazy amount of money to have ones taxes done.

And also the place was a mess, it smelled like dirty diapers and no one should have to work under thse conditions even people that don't know how to prepare taxes for others!!

Company: Jackson Hewitt
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Toms River
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Jackson Hewitt-owner Lori Seary
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Jackson Hewitt
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