Untruthful, poor product, exorbitant shipping charges

Shops, Products, Services

First Problem: Their descriptions of condition of books is false. Books are described as "Very good condition" which we all know is above average. Since they say they are teachers, they are very familiar with "above average". Books included some that are old with yellowing pages, water damaged, very marked up and library copies.
Second Problem: Exorbitant shipping charges of over $200 when the actual media costs were around $80. This includes the cost of the books but most were not suitable for resale.

Third Problem: They advertise fast shipping with most orders shipped the same day. Not true. Yes, I did have a large order but it took a long time to get the books.
Fourth Problem: No response from them after I told them how unhappy I was with the books.
Fifth Problem: They did not have all the books listed on their website.

Country: USA
State: California
City: Potrero
Address: P.O Box 72
  <     >  


Why Pay More Books
Shorted 2 books in order. Overcharged for shipping

Consumer Report

Krause Books
Slow Shipping Slow Email Response

Quality Paperback Book Club
Be very careful when you order from this company!

Pro Quo Books - internationalbooks On
Pro quo books are a complete fake and should be stopped

Pro Quo Books (AKA "International Books" On
Pro Quo Books, "International Books" On, Internationalbooks Bought book from other seller and shipped directly to me claiming NEW condition

Valore Books
Consumer Report

Half price books
Scam artists

Bottom Line Books
They sent me books as to which I did not order

Groiler books
Groiler Books Here's Your Bill for books you did not orde