Integretel - Accessone Communication
S phone cramming ripoff WEST PALM BEACH Florida

Shops, Products, Services

We received a bill for $7.98 for a supposed 13-min. Collect phone call made from Hill City, South Dakota on January 29th. First off, we don't accept collect calIs from anybody, just family members who live in North Carolina. We don't know anybody who lives there or who has passed through that town of 650 people!
I even called the phone number listed that we had supposedly been called from and it turned out to be a number no longer in service! Very strange!
Called 1-800-736-7500 to dispute the charge.

They said it was a pay phone in a hospital or some other location. I told them that I had just tried calling that number and it was no longer in service! She immediately said they would issue a credit but it would take 2 to three billing periods. I then talked to my phone company Qwest and they were very understanding and helpful.
When I did a search on Integretel, I found links to consumer complaintss - so I decided to also file one. I definitely think we've been scammed. Well, they tried anyway.

Now we will see if Integretel gives the credit!

Company: Integretel - Accessone Communication
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 222 LAKEVIEW SUITE 157-160WEST PALM BEACH, Florida 33401
Phone: 8007367500
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Integretel, AccessOne Comm
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