Irresponsible Billing Practice Internet

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When I received my July bill from Verizon, I noticed a charge under "Other Providers". The company listed was Integretel with a notation that the charge was billed on Behalf of Total I Protect, address 26750 US Hwy, 19N, Suite 550, Clearwater, FL 33761,800-773-9912.

I immediately called Integretel's 800 number (800-736-7500) to dispute the charge. I was put on hold "awaiting the next customer service rep", a recording recommended I visit their website.

So I immediately did a search on the name Integretel.
One of the first things I noticed was the sheer number of sites on this company. I visited a site giving info on an FTC lawsuit from 2002 where Integretel was indicted for Irresponsible Billing practices. The 2nd site I visited was this one and was amazed at how many different "billing scams" Integretel was cited for.

I find it interesting that one of the sites listed from a search is CERB stands for Coalition to Ensure Responsible Billing.integretel is listed as a member.

The following is a portion of what's listed as CERB's Standard of Practice under SCREENING OF PROGRAMS, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES

Members will not knowingly provide billing for services employing the following practices:

Box, sweepstakes, or contest-type entry forms.
Negative option sales offers, including negative option "free trial" periods.
800 pay per call.
Collect callback.
Phantom billing (charging for calls never made or services never provided).
Such other programs, products or services Members determine to be deceptive or anti-consumer.

It appears that Integretel does not understand the concept of MEMBERS WILL NOT...

Company: IntegreTel
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8007367500
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Integretel - corporate Development
Integretel corporate Development integretel corporate development conspire to fraudulently charge on phone bill

Integretel, Inc
Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud dishonest ripoffs

Ripoff Billing for services not authorized

Integretel Inc
Integretel ripoff Internet

Bad Billing for services not used, ripoff

Members Edge
The Put a charge on my QWEST phone bill for $14.95, did not orde

Inc. One more Integretel rip-off

Integretel, Amer Prem Warehouse, EmailDiscnt
Billing fraud - through telephone bill Ripoff Clearwater Florida

Ripoff and BellSouth allows this to continue despite reports, kickbacks maybe?