Cingular & AT&T
Ripoff over billing roaming charges within billing area Decatu

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I have done business with Cingular for several years and have had no problem until they joined hands with AT&T. My bill has always been somewhere between maybe $74 and maybe $95 and that's for two phones. Had just paid a phone bill and went on the Internet to pay the next one and the site was down for several days. When I finally got into the site, my bill was over $400. Nothing had changed on my end but it certainly had on theirs. All of this happened when AT&T got into the act. Now because of them I don't have a cellphone because I can't pay that bill. It is not my bill it is somebody's error in calculation. I need my phone and they should be made to straighten out the mess they made and the trouble they have put me and I'm sure countless others through.

Company: Cingular & AT&T
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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