All Creatures Animal Hospital
Rip Off the Employees and Customers, Discrimination, Some unsafe practaces

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Where to start... With the customers, so everyone knows, Dr. Nisar Ahmed of All Creatures Animal Hospital DOES over charge his customers! He also tells the customers their animal needs things it actully does not. He is known to treat for worms even if the animal does not have worms just to get more money.

He is a very money hungry man. The isolation room at the hospital is supposed to be in the back of the hospital away from all other animals, though you have to walk sick animals that have problems such as pneumonia, parvo, FIV, and kennel cough etc. Right past all of the other hospitalized animals and client boarders, this can cause a boarding animal to get sick! And at some times he has used a room in the front of the hospital for kennel cough dogs, in turn a few clients had come back after boarding their animals at All Creatures reporting that their dogs had gotten kennel cough and believed they had got it by being at the hospital.

Dr. Ahmed assured the clients that their dogs did not get sick from being at his hospital, (obviously he said that so he wouldn't have to treat those animals out of his pocket) which was not true! The only way the dogs could have got kennel cough was from boarding at the hospital that had kennel cough dogs! The surgeries performed at All Creatures are not as sterile as they should be, this I have found out threw discussions with other D.V. M's. There was one major situation in where a main member of Dr. Ahmeds staff had brought their children to work to clean, treat, and walk the animals on a day the hospital was closed hoping to get out of there as fast as possible, this resulted in that certian staff members child letting a dog go while walking it. The dog was found by a passer by right next to a freeway off ramp and returned to the clinic 2 days later. This staff member is still working there as irresponsible as they were that day. This is just a small glimpse into how he treats his clients.

Now, on to the treatment of employees! The Dr. Is very rude to his employees at times. He also plays favorites with them. The Dr. Has sent his employees to his house to "pick up" supplies for the hospital, but then they end up stuck there for hours because the Dr. S wife decides to put them to work doing house hold chores and even some things such as cleaing out the garbage cans filled with magots, or playing plumber having to unclog the family toilet that is still holding feces!

Most employees are afraid to stand up to the Dr. And tell him that they do not want to do his wife's job (his wife his a house wife, she does not work, yet he makes his employees do these things instead of her) at his house in fear of loosing their job. If the Dr. Does not like an employee he has been known to cut their hours (for no given reason) until they are forced to quit so that he does not have to pay unemployment, he has done this on numerous occasions. Or he will fire an employee but lie to the EDD about why that employee was let go so that he does not have to pay unemployment. He also does not like to have employees that have their own mind and are not afraid to stand up to him or say something about the way he runs his practice. He will yell at an employee and put them down if he feels you are to strong or if you are catching on to the falts of him and his practice until you are forced to quit. Dr. Nisar Ahmed has also seriously discriminated against his employees on numerous occasions!

Trust me when I say this is not a place where you can feel safe leaving your animals or working under him. And keep in mind, he is not alone in these games he plays, he does have a follower that works for him that will cover up for him because she can get away with certain things she does there. Dr. Ahmed and this woman working right next to him are a very dispicable pair and they can no longer be trusted.

These things should not happen at any animal hospital and if they have it is on a VERY rare occasion, at All Creatures it happens all to often. And I am quite sure that Dr. Ahmed and this woman will reply to this trying to make up excuses as to why these situations happen at the hospital, please for your own sake do not believe any rebuttal that comes of this statement! Feel free to reply to this statement with any questions any of you out there have, I will be glad to answer them all!!!

Company: All Creatures Animal Hospital
Country: USA
State: California
City: Murrieta
Address: 39885 Alta Murrieta Dr
Phone: 9516000830
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