John's Creek Animal Hospital
Kerry Buckley DVM Abusive, Dishonest, Deceiving

Shops, Products, Services

Do Not Board, Groom, or Vaccinate any of your animals at John's Creek Animal Hospital! As a former employee, I witnessed abuse of employees and animals by Dr. Kerry Buckley. Dont let the sweetness of his wife, Dr. Tumlin fool you. Her husband is a MANIAC!

First, they dont board your animals with the blankets, bones, and other items that you send in with your pets. They wrap them up and put them in a closet, and DONT TELL YOU. Your pets lie on metal grates and concrete!

Second, the veterinarian assistants dont have licenses.

Third, I witnessed a dog (chihuahua) being squeezed so hard it defacated on the wall! Fourth, I walked in on an animal being spayed that did not look like it was fully under anesthesia. Buckley hit a dog on the nose with nail clippers. He jerks and KICKS! Your dog around as soon as it leaves the room. Ever wonder why your dog gets so nervous going in for it's shots?

Finally, I was there when they performed the wrong procedure on a dog! They write special codes on the files of their clients about the way their personality is. Crazy, Nervous, ect. I have spoken with another former employee who worked at the same hospital. I met her a Petsmart and She was describing a crazed vet that she worked for; Turned out it was BUCKLEY! He also manipulates all of his employess, because they all live on a piece of property he owns!!! Before you board, groom, or use medical services at John's Creek Animal Hospital... Think twice!!!

Company: John's Creek Animal Hospital
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Suwanee
Address: 3571 Peachtree Parkway Suite A
Phone: 7708447387
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Cornerstone Animal Hospital Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Consumer Report

Dr. Nisar Ahmed - All Creatures Animal Hospital
KILLER VET, He will NOT treat your pets, he will most likely KILL them

Selling Sick Pets

Dr. Chris Yule Fort Kent Animal Hospital
Vet hospital has gone down hill since sale!

Animal abuse

Triad Financial
Ripoff at the end of auto loan contract, reposessed car after final payment arrangements were made ripoff

AM/PM Animal Hospital
Horrible uncaring rude

Instance Fisherman
Junk Pellers, produck don't work. Ripp off on shipping postage TV, Ripoff Webb TV

Household Bank - US Bank
HFC - Household Bank - Benefical Household Bank -US Bank ripoff bad businessdishonest

AM/PM Animal Hostpital
Only cares about money