Continued to double bill after cancellation Atlanta

Shops, Products, Services

By most accounts, Betsy and I are reasonably Internet savvy. So when we get taken, flim flammed, ripped off, taken for a ride and have been robbed you know the bad guys fly low under the radar with a profitable scam and are doing the same to many others.

In this case, a Georgia company called WORTHPOINT that positions its web site as a place to discover the value of certain goods.

I had such a task back in early December, discovered the WORTHPOINT site had the info and took the WORTHPOINT "no risk" trial to pay $9.99 and then cancel at anytime to avoid recurring billing each month. I canceled minutes after I had the info.

Yesterday, we discover WORTHPOINT had been billing us again in December and again in January. Even more slimy, Betsy had used them over two years ago. She also cancelled WORTHPOINT and that seemed to be the end of it. Except they started billing her $14.99 in December and again in January after they had my payment info.

A call to WORTHPOINT was returned and they offered to stop improperly billing us but there would be no refund for the stolen money as it is "against company policy".

Should you have to discover the value of some goods, I strongly urge you to run for the hills, duck and cover, get out of town and avoid the devious low life plot that is WORTHPOINT.com.

Peter Minneapolis Minnesota

Company: Worthpoint
Country: USA
Site: worthpoint.com
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Worthpoint, Inc
Worthpoint.com Charged $10.95 for 7-day free trial

I was LURED in by the "7-day free trial" too. Worthpoint.com

Not Worth Consulting

Priceminer.com, goantiques.com, worthpoint.com Makes Fraudulant Charges on Your Credit Card

Worthpoint Inc., Atlanta, GA Unauthorized Charges 6 Months After Account Termination


Days Inn
I made a reservation with this hotel, scheduled for December 29. My plans fell through, and i cancelled the reservation on December 17. Well within the 4pm check-in policy to avoid billing

SCAM - DO NOT USE FREE TRIAL - billing does not stop

Consumer Report

Refund of Early Cancellation Fee