Not Worth Consulting


I was lured by WorthPoint to get their Seven Days Test Free Consultation.

After presenting an item for evaluation and received a poor answer, I decided

Immediately to cancel the contract. However, after one month to my Credit Card

Was charged by this abusive company! I made several calls but it was difficult to

Reach them and after many attempts, I was told WorthPoint never refund money

To their Costumers!

Please Avoid this Worthless Company. If you are not sure with a product then look

If there is an alternative to return it. Otherwise simply dont buy it. Avoid this company.

Never be tempted by their promotion. You will be charged at the end of the month.

Company: WorthPoint
Country: USA
State: Georgia
Phone: 8774815750
Site: worthpoint.com
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Worthpoint, Inc
Worthpoint.com Charged $10.95 for 7-day free trial

Continued to double bill after cancellation Atlanta

I was LURED in by the "7-day free trial" too. Worthpoint.com

Priceminer.com, goantiques.com, worthpoint.com Makes Fraudulant Charges on Your Credit Card

Worthpoint Inc., Atlanta, GA Unauthorized Charges 6 Months After Account Termination


MedAesthetica Medical Group
Lipozap trying to zap my money 440 sherman oaks

Holsted Jewelers
Company sent offer of jewelry to review monthly and either pay or return to them

Avoid them

Boehm Ritter
Ripoff serious scam free trial impossible to cancel, charge to your credit card $49.95 ripoff