AT&T Long Distance
Ripoff Hackensack New Jersey

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These people called me soliciting business EVERYDAY for months. I asked them repeatedly to stop calling until one day I thought the customer rep understood and the calls ended. 2 months later i found out they took it upon themselves to switch my long distance to them!!!
I had a great deal with Sprint long distance since I use them for my cellular (flat rate regional, toll and long distance for $15.00 a month). I've had this for over a year! Why on earth would I switch to AT&T. I explained this to the customer rep!

I am furious. Now they are billing me about $130 for chages over those 2 motnhs. They are nuts. I'm reporting them the State Attorney Generals Office, Better Business Bureau and the FEderal Communications Commission!

They tried to say they would call me back to play the recording of the authorization they had archived they say I gave them. Of course, I never heards back from them.

Company: AT&T Long Distance
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8002230300
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OAN - USA Voicemail
OAN Long Distance Billing On Behalf Of USA Voicemail ripoff added $19.95 to my current bill This is long distance slamming and has replaced my previous long distance company. I never authorized any long distance on my phone RIPOFF

Broadband Charged the FULL 50., never sign me up for Long distance ripoff

ILD Teleservices AKA WCSS
WCSS aka ILD Teleservices Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire. The Classic Bait-And-Switch ripoff

Reduced Rate Long Distance LLC
Reduced Rate Long Distance LLC slammed us by claiming to be calling on behalf of Qwest long distance

Sprint PCS
Fraudulent Advertising of Roaming and Long Distance ripoff

AMR Long Distance SVC & AMR/MCi WorldCom/TTI
Amr long distance service is a ripoff aka AMR/WorldCom/TTI - MCi all ripoffs

Reduced Rate Long Distance, LLC
Long Distance slamming, replaced my previous long distance carrier. Unauthorized charges, failure to credit these false charges

Premium Long Distance
Tricking me into long distance coverage

Verizon Residential
Customer service

Ripoff consumer fraud ripoff Aurora Illinios