US Government
Squander away trillions upon trillions of tax payer dollars

Scam, Fake

The US Government has squandered away any hopes for the financial future. They are stealing trillions of taxpayer dollars for bogus use. Medicare is bankrupts, Social Security is bankrupt.

US Government PONZI SCAM to take MY earnings and taxes to pay for other people's retirement, welfare, health care.

US Government steals your money and pisses it away of fictional projects like "Global Warming".

Why can't I have my SS taxes back so I can invest them into a real retirement plan? Why can't I have my Medicare taxes back so I can invest in a plan to care for me after I retire?

US Government wants to take more of ym hard earned money to start a government run, socialist style health care program - I have health care through my employer. I don't want the US Government to steal more of MY money to start a socialist health care program that will eventually go bankrupt just like the US Government has bankrupted the Social Securtiy and Medicare programs.

Us government... Biggest ponzi scam in the world!!!

Company: US Government
Country: USA
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US Government
Unauthorized billing

Baraack Obama and Democrat Leaders
Why do they ignore the people?

Congressman Brad Sherman
Is a supports the job killing socialist government takeover of our health care system and requlation of executive salaries

Blue Cross Blue Shield
Discrimation of coverage Virignia

First National Benefits - First National Health Care Benefits
First National Benefits And Government Grants Ripoff for 299.00 and was suspose to recieve government grant for 10,000.00 on a home grant. First National Health Care Benefits and First Benefits are all stealing large amounts of money

Social Security Administration
Ponzi scheme against Generation-X & Y

Barack Obama is a pillar of truth and decency

Alan Simpson, Senator
Alan Simpson, Senator from Wyoming, Co-Chair of the deficit Ripping American seniors off and driving us to be homeless

The White House
Health Care DEFORMED, making choices on how people should live or die Washington, District of Columbia

First National Government Grant
Rick Smith ripoff, Scam, lies. Stated I would Receive 12,500 in grants in 4 days