Baraack Obama and Democrat Leaders
Why do they ignore the people?

Politics & Government

Why does this government ignore the people? When they were in the minority thay complained that they had the right to speak and demoonstrate. Now that they are in the majority they name call and demean anyone who speaks against them. Even Obama himself has belittled AMERICANS for exercising their free speech and calling them names.

All the polls say that the majority of citizens are against the current Health Care Bill and they are thumbing their noses at us and doing what they want to do. This group is trying to take over as much of our lives as they can. They are going to lead to a National Health Care thgat they claim they can sucessfully run and insure more people.

How can you trust them to run it when the government bankrupted Social Security and Medicare? They are going to raise ALL of our taxes starting in 2010 and they claim they are going to SAVE the money so it is there when theo other programs kick in a few years later. Do any of us really believe that the government can leave this money alone and it will be there when it is needed? Remember most of these people probably won't even be around when these programs start.

Company: Baraack Obama and Democrat Leaders
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington
Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
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US Government
Unauthorized billing

US Government
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Barack Obama is a pillar of truth and decency

The White House
Health Care DEFORMED, making choices on how people should live or die Washington, District of Columbia

Barack Obama

Congressman Brad Sherman
Is a supports the job killing socialist government takeover of our health care system and requlation of executive salaries

Barack Obama
Barack Obama review - Economy

Baraack Obama
What has he done for us?

Brad Sherman
Congressman Brad Sherman Brad Sherman Lies and Jobs die

U.S. Government
Social Security Outright lies to the public