Direct TV
Took money out of my account without permission

Recreation & Entertainment

Direct TV took money out of the account and refuses to refund any money and never once had permission to access my account and every supervisor we talk just hangs up on me while trying to find out whats going on!!!

Company: Direct TV
Country: USA
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Direct TV
Took money out my account without my permission

Direct TV
Fraudulent billing practices

Direct TV
Charged bank account for cancellation fee which they were not entitled to, without my permission

Ing Direct Bank

Your-Money. Tv
Consumer Report

Blue Star Direct
This company took money out of my account without my permission making my account go into the negaitve

Starter Credit
STARTER CREDIT DIRECT They took money out of my bank account without permission from me.inTERNET

Installed satelite disks on rental property without the owners permission

Direct Benefits Group
Who the hell are they?

Direct Benefits Group LLC
They took 49.90 out of my account without permission!