DC3 Global, LLC
DC3 Music Group, LLC Doesn't Pay Employees for Their Time or Work

Recreation & Entertainment

I was hired as a freelance video editor at DC3 global, along with 3 others. I edited webisodes and sizzle reels for high-end clients and bands. I also went above and beyond in attempting to organize their chaotic systems and workflow. Seriously, I could not believe that they've been functioning for as long as they have in the state that they're in. If I were one of their clients, I would be SHOCKED to know that NONE of the work that they've trusted DC3 to take care of has been backed up anywhere. Nor could it be found, should they ever need it, since nothing is catalogued or organized.

The "managing member, " Dan, runs a very loose ship, which was fine, until it came time for us to get paid. We were promised payment on a weekly basis. After several excuses, we were finally given checks a week late. All of our checks bounced. When I called to make sure that he was aware of this issue, he explained that one of the partners in the company has been embezzling and that's why there was no money in the account. So he brought in his wealthy friend to take care of this for him. The poor guy paid us out of his personal bank account. And that was the last time that I've gotten paid.

He then proceeded to bring in another wealthy friend, and the three of them started a "new" company called The Dude Films. I'm including the name of this company because it is basically the same company as DC3, with Dan's corrupt business tactics at the helm.

We continued to work for 5 more weeks, while constantly being fed elaborate lies about being paid. One time, he told us that his new partner was "on a plane from San Jose with checks in his hand." Here is an excerpt from an email he sent me after I asked about our payment:

"Sorry - been insanely hungover and also been on the phone non-stop with XXXXX finalizing our change to The Dude Films effective tomorrow

Been trying to track XXX down to come bring you guys money. He is stoned rolling around Laguna somewhere.

I have to take my daughter Trick or Treating (not looking forward to this), but will be in around 9:00 tomorrow morning
How long will you guys be there? Trying to reach XXX now to have him come by with money. He is holding the money in a separate account so my crazy partner doesn't grab it"

But, as you might have guessed, we never got paid. Toward the end, I was getting extremely frustrated. I sent Dan an invoice with a note that let him know I would not continue to work until we could discuss payment. He ignored the note. I continued to work on the current project, as I didn't think that the client should be punished for Dan's mismanagement.

Once I sent in my final invoice, I sent Dan another email with my resignation and his response was incredible. He threatened my professional reputation, saying things like, "First of all your attitude needs to stop. I am a pretty tolerant guy, but call me a liar and you'll see another side of me... If you want to edit for me or anybody I know in this industry ever again, you really should calm down, as I respond to threats with actions. It is all about who you know - trust me."

He has since sent many of these types of emails to me, and still hasn't paid.in an attempt to avoid having to pay, he went so far as to tell me that he never agreed to pay for any of these projects and that I should have been billing the client directly. None of the other editors that were hired with me have been paid either. And while he has not been as aggressive with them, he has continued to feed them excuses about payment.

Most of DC3's business is with high-end bands and agencies. These clients obviously pay him, so there's no reason why we shouldn't be getting paid as well. He has obviously done this sort of thing before, and has been able to get away with it. But it's my goal to make sure that he doesn't continue taking advantage of others and running a corrupt business.

Company: DC3 Global, LLC
Country: USA
State: California
City: Laguna Beach
Address: 1550 South Pacific Coast Highway
Phone: 9497157666
Site: dc3global.com
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