Drew Marheine
Retail Deployment Solutions has not paid me for services rendered and avoids dealing with their vendors. 617 N 8th Ave

Internet & Web

Retail Deployment Solutions has contracted my company to do a lot of work for them in the past. Wiring jobs for Talbot's and other stores, time clocks for the gap and various other jobs. Not once did they receive a complaint about me or my company, not once did I show up late and not once did I ever treat anybody at their company with disrespect.

When things started going bad with this company (which was in November of 08) I was told that the company was having issues with their bank and that was why my payments were taking so long. (My advice to anyone in this business is, do not accept ANY EFT'S because it's a great way to blame payment issues on the bank.) This raised a red flag for me right away because I have done business with companies that say it's the bank and it always turns out that the company is having financial troubles. However because the company kept me busy and their dispatchers were trying their best to resolve the situation I kept on working without being paid feeling like I was taking care of the company that was taking care of me.

As things went on through December and January I still was not being paid and I was being told by the employees that deal with me (whom I trusted then and still trust If I was to work with them again) that Drew the owner of the company was taking care of business and that the following week I would be paid. As things turned out that happened every two weeks and what I was being told I was owed was beginning to become a substantial amount.

Every time I would talk to a representative of the company I would be told that Drew was taking care of things but it was going to be another week until I could be paid. It was at this point where I stopped doing work for Drew and RDS because of his lack of payment. I had been told by his employees that they could no longer contact Drew or get him to respond to their emails so it was the best to contact him by his cell or his email. It think it would be fair to say out of the 50 times I must have called him he answered about 4 times and called me back maybe twice if I left him a message. His own people were apologizing for his actions and the way I was being treated.

I continued to call his office asking his people what I should do and finally somebody told me to sent an email to the accounting email address because it was a better chance that he would respond to an email that was sent to this address.

The few times I spoke to Drew he would tell me the same thing, things were getting resolved but it was going to take another week until he got the money. I have email after email that I have saved and I can produce to show anybody who wants to see them to prove that this is no lie.

Eventually things boiled down to discussions of legal action. It was the only way I could get anybody to answer me and when he did answer me it was a page long letter to him and a paragraph of two lines back.

I told him that I would contact my lawyer and finally some meaningful communication started. I told him that I would have to put a workman's lien on the jobs I had not been paid for and then pursue the issue through the courts. Once again I was told I would be paid and it never occurred. My next threat was to tell him I would bring it to a public forum such as the consumer complaints or other tech boards. Once again I was told it would be taken care of and it was not. Finally I gave a date that these actions would be taken and I was sent a check for only some of the money and told that the remainder of the money would follow soon.

(now keep in mind that I had gone through December and January the slow months for this business, I had to cash bonds intended to be saved for my daughters college and take a loan from my father in law due to this money not showing up. All of these things Drew was told about)

I thought thank god I can pay my father in law back and use the remainder of the money to take care of my monthly bills. I deposited the check paid my mortgage and paid my father in law back to find out a week later the check had bounced and brought me $1,200 NEGATIVE in my account.

I informed Drew about this immediately as I had informed my lawyer and he told me that he would be getting money in another week and that he would take care of it then. Basically saying that he was aware that his bad check had put me negative in my bank account and that he was asking me to live for a week with no money what so ever because of his bad check. Once again I had to borrow money from my father in law to cover this and bring me back positive in my account to find out that he had again been dishonest and the money was not to be gotten after that next week.

At this point I spoke to my banker and she advised me to redeposit the check because it most likely was a mess up at his bank and if it bounced a second time I could address it with the local magistrate as well as the local district attorneys office in Wisconsin. I was told after speaking to the local magistrate and Wisconsin magistrate that the check bouncing twice would definitely be a legal matter and that it could be taken to court. So I waited and yet again about a week later it bounced. At that point I informed Drew that it had bounced and that I would be preceding with my bad check proceedings in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

I filed the paperwork with the DA's office and informed Drew that on that Friday I would proceed with the filings.in the next day or so I was contacted and told that the money had come in and I was on the short list to be paid and that I should contact Drew and give him my pay pal information for payment. He also said that he would pay me the fees for my bounced checks and the pay pal fee for funds transfer. I attempted to contact Drew for the next 3 days and finally that Friday which was also the deadline after sending him another email telling him I really wasn't kidding with this he got the information and sent me payment.

Not being able to see the amount right away I called my wife and she informed me that the payment was short and he had paid me just enough to make the check charge paid so I couldn't take him to court. He had not included the amount for the pay pal fee and he had not included the amount for the bounced fee. So he was short on the payment by around $700 dollars, he didn't include the pay pal fees SO I incurred the fees for my own payment and I got stuck with two bounced check fees. (I also have the email from him saying that he would take care of the fees.)

So that was about three weeks ago at this point. I have contacted him several times about covering the remainder of the first check and the remainder of the payment he owes and he is yet again telling me that it is going to take some time because companies are paying slow.

So at this point what do you think? What would you do?

I threatened to file with the consumer complaints months ago and didn't do it, I threatened to file the bad check process and didn't do it and I said I would put lien's against the jobs that I had done and I didn't do it. Do you know why... He told me that it was unprofessional to do so. Who do you think is being professional here now?

So now I am done being professional. I am going to file with the BBB, I am doing this on this website and several other forums to let people know what my story is and I am going to do whatever else I can do legally to get my money.

Now keep in mind that my problem is that the guy is late with payment. My problem is the way he has gone about dealing with it. If he had just kept me up to date with what was going on and been real about things instead of just trying to keep me at bay until he could pay me I would have felt that he was being "Professional".

Take some time yourself if you think I am overreacting and look on the internet for people who are having this issue with this same company. I urge people who are having this issue with this guy to contact the BBB, and District Attorneys office in Wisconsin because if you want to get paid this really is the only way to do it.

I didn't want to go down his road but he has forced me to do so.

Pay Me Drew, enough is enough.

Company: Drew Marheine
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Sturgeon Bay
Address: 617 N 8th Ave
Phone: 9207370075
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