Vance Peyton
Advance LA Vance Peyton - Bad News

Recreation & Entertainment

Do not do business with Vance Peyton
I have been forced to file criminal charges against Vance Peyton after he and his partner German Morales cashed checks of mine, for a total of more than $7500 without paying me a red cent. I had earned this money by booking a series of national commercials through Advance LA. (The fake non-licensed talent agency they run out of West Hollywood) This little scam has been going on for over 2 years now and the stories of people he has ripped off are endless. Rumour has it that he is now starting another company called "MNM Film Production" in effort to conceal his identity. Also, his current office on Santa Monica Blvd. Seems to have been abandoned and the phone lines have been disconnected. I have both called and been by many, many times to collect my money. However, I was told recently that his current address is: 8293 Grand View Dr Los Angeles, CA 90046-1915 Vance Peyton is also known for taking advantage of young children. He runs another scam with The LA Casting Connection (TLACC) and actually preys on young children!!! This is how he earns his livelihood. So there you have it. I have spoken my piece.

Company: Vance Peyton
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 7904 Santa Monica Blvd
Phone: 3236555022
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Vance Peyton Advance LA
Vance Peyton Embezzlement

Vance Peyton Miller
Vance Peyton Miller Filing lawsuit for fraud

Advance LA
Vance Peyton Miller Advance LA is a big fat scam

Vance Peyton Miller
Vance Peyton Miller Ripped me off for well over $4,200. Kept my payments on a national commercial to himself!

Vance Peyton Miller
Vance P. Miller Scam, Upfront Fee's

Vance Peyton

Vance P Miller
Vance Peyton Miller, Scam Artist

Advance LA
Vance Peyton Partnered with John Robert Powers to steal $2100 class tuitions from students and then ran

Vance Peyton
Is a Predato

Vance Peyton Miller / Brock Mosher