Vance Peyton

Recreation & Entertainment

I was told by Vance Peyton that I had to invest $7500 to get my 8-year-old daughter into the industry. Vance informed me that she would have to take classes for 2 years at 10 weeks per class getting her prepared. She has now been in class for 25 weeks with classes for 2 years at 10 weeks per class getting her prepared. Our daughter has been in the same class for 26 weeks now and her teacher told us she is a babysitting service because Vance expects her to teach an impossible variety of age ranges.

We were also led to believe that our daughter was one of the "few selected" to attend the audition process., but under duress, we had to leave a $1000.00 deposit. She attended the first class and was told the teacher was a runway instructor and didn't know how to teach young talent. The second class we made another payment of $1100.00 and we were then given a monologue copied out of a book to teach our little girl. We were told that the money would be refunded if we were not getting the services promised. I sent a certified letter notifying JRP that we were not getting any service whatsoever and would not be attending any further classes.

A week later, Vance`s assistant German Morales emails me that Advance will not grant us a refund, but would put the money in a future convention sometime in 2011. I replied stating that that was unacceptable. Our emails and phone calls are no longer returned and the office on Santa Monica seems to be somewhat abandoned.

I have spoken to so many other parents who have been scammed the same way, but we don't know where to turn. I have filed a complaint with the Department of Professional Regulations but would like to seek legal council at this point.

Vance Peyton is a pathetic joke and his empty promises can send a person to the poor house on completely false dreams. After speaking with several other agents out there, Vane Peyton certainly does not have a good reputation and agents will actually hesitate before signing any of their kids. They need to be stopped across the country!

Sandra & Tim

Los Angeles, CA.

Company: Vance Peyton
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 8293 Grand View Dr
Phone: 3237985524
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