Advance LA
Vance Peyton Miller Advance LA is a big fat scam

Recreation & Entertainment

Advance LA headed by Vance Peyton Miller is a big fat scam. Vance Peyton Miller AKA Vance P Miller has personally ripped me off by withholding earnings in the amount of 8.000 thousand dollars. I booked several national commercials through his agency and never received payment for these. Not a cent! Countless attempts have been made to collect my wages but to no avail. Presumably, he is hiding somewhere from everyone he's ripped off over the last 2 years. Naturally, I've reported him to the cops already.
I am also in the process of taking legal action in order to recoup my wages that were entrusted to him under false pretenses of him being an agent. The man is not an agent. He is simply a predator who preys on gullible hopefuls and young children, even.
Consider this a warning:
Steer clear of Vance Peyton Miller and anyone associated with him and his shame of a company. Do not deal with this man under any circumstances!!! Ever!!! He is not SAG affiliated, not a member of the ATA, not a member of the MTA and not state licensed! This is all fact. Documentation in hand. Not simply a subjective assessment.
The man is a crook and needs to be shut down.

Company: Advance LA
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 7904 Santa Monica Boulevard
Phone: 3236505022
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Vance Peyton Miller
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Vance Peyton Miller
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Advance LA Agency
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Vance Peyton
Is a Predato

Advance LA
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