Appliances connection
Incorrect, Damaged Stove & Horrible Service - Bluestar Range

Real Estate

Truly the worst shopping experience of my life. Ordered a 6k pro stove in a custom color. Should have arrived in 6 weeks, took 11. Should have had white glove delivery, had to fight the guys to bring it in my door. When I cracked it open, it was not only in the wrong color but damaged with big dents all along the top front in a highly visible place. Contacted AP about the damage and they offered to replace it, AFTER i sent back the 459lb. Stove at my own expense. When I refused, they put the pressure on. First they offer me some low ball credit to keep the thing, then inform me they're not replacing it. It's been nothing but games, excuses, aggression and BS for the end, I filed a dispute with my credit card company because they were just completely unwilling to be reasonable and do the right thing.

I would never shop with this company again and advise you to heed that warning. But if you find yourself in a similar situation with AP, (and if you're shopping with them, chances are you will), hold your ground. Document everything, demand what you ordered and don't let them push you around. They will tell you all kinds of dishonest, ridiculous and downright crazy things to try and get you just suck it up. Don't believe them and don't be pressured. Your credit card carrier will protect you and if they don't want to take care of you, don't think twice about filing that chargeback. It was a piece of cake compared to dealing with these brooklyn hot heads. Total garbage company.

Company: Appliances connection
Country: USA
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Appliances Connection
The worst experience i've ever had

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