Avenue West Property Management
Horrendous Experience with Avenue West!

Real Estate

I am currently in the position of having to hire an attorney to resolve the following SERIES of conflicts I have had as a new client of Avenue West Property Management (hereafter AWPM) in Colorado Springs. I will recount my experience in a "facts-only" way, so you can decide for yourself. Note this all began May 26 and that I was getting married on June 4 and starting a new job on June 6th.

My wife and I had to find a place to lease on short notice and via long-distance (we were in Kansas and needed to move to COS). A broker (unrelated - no complaints) found us an address that was being managed by AWPM. The property seemed to meet our needs, allowed our pets, etc. - I anticipated no worries about signing the contract and of course expected a professional, business relationship.

Our first nasty surprise came very quickly: On May 26, I received a lease contract from AWPM specifying all human and pets to be occupying the property, specifying a rent amount ($1300 per month) and a security deposit amount - everything a standard lease contract contains. Said contract was signed by AWPM and needed only my signature to be valid.

I signed the contract and faxed it back. Several hours later, I was emailed about a "hiccup". Said hiccup was that the owner (supposedly, I only have AWPM word on this) did not realize the pet situation (though it was specifically spelled out TO THE LETTER in the lease) and demanded a "new" contract. At this time I had about 7 days to find a COS address FROM my place in KC due to the impending marriage and job I needed to report.

The 2nd contract now was for $1350 a month (they wanted to charge me $1500!!!) for a total of $600 additional dollars over the one-year lease - a nice "hiccup" for AWPM. Also, the security deposit was increased to $1300. I was bent over a barrel - I had no time to start the housing process over - and signed the "new and improved for AWPM" contract and sent a check for $3.950.00. Note the check cleared, fulfilling my obligations.

The 2nd nasty surprise came upon move-in, when arriving early on the morning of Friday, June 3rd. The property was a mess... There were holes in the flooring, the drawers and cupboards were filled with human hair and literal garbage. Cupboards were broken, there was no hot water in the kitchen and sinks, counters, toilets were filthy. The back lawn was so strewn with large garbage that I couldn't get my mower in the back (as I the tenant am responsible for the lawn, which is fair). Sadly, even towel-holder bars were bent and hanging only off one side, useless. I have photo/film documentation of all this though I am not including video with the review.

The 3rd nasty surprise came the first hot night when I went to turn the A/C on in my home (which was advertised - I have a physical listing in hand active as of June 6 - as having "Air Conditioning") and found there was none! Even AWPM were confused; my wife reported that the property manager we are dealing with (I won't name names) came and inspected the property and was confused (or acted so). Since I have learned that A/C is in a minority of COS homes (as if that were "common knowledge"?) but still - I have the listing specifically advertising A/C.

To be fair, I still have a list of "repairs" I need to submit to AWPM and I hope they will fix these things in a timely manner. To be fair, AWPM did offer 2 maid services for the contract "hiccup" which does NOT amount to nearly $600.

In summary, AWPM is receiving this complaint as it: 1) forced me, who was in a position of duress, to sign a 2nd contract for more money, even though we had what I thought was a signed, legal agreement, 2) did not have any thorough or professional cleaning or repairing of the property to make it suitable for new leesees (FYI the lease requires I have professional cleaning upon leaving) and 3) either outright created a false listing OR at least failed to oversee and control how the home was being advertised - claiming the home had A/C when in fact it does not.

Right now I am in the process of talking with my attorney having exhausted all attempts to resolve outside the legal arena. I had tried to resolve things with AWPM in person, over email and by phone. I was told "I have no leg to stand on"... Certainly NOT a customer-centric view! In the end, even if I lose the legal battle, as a consumer I would say my experience so far - 15 days into a one-year lease - have been horrendous.

Buyer beware.

Company: Avenue West Property Management
Country: USA
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