Real Property Management Colorado
Do Not Rent

Real Estate

These people obviously need to learn how to do their job. They have postings of rentals homes/town-homes all over the internet. My fiance and I found one that we thought would be perfect for us. We emailed and called for at least a week and a half and never heard back from them. They always stated to wait at least 48 hours before calling again and we did, but we still never heard anything. We go back online to check the status of the rental house and they raised the rent up another $200! That rent was out of our budget. We then found another place, we filled out an online application hoping that they will contact us. They did call, however, they called our phone 3 times in under 2 minutes and never left any voice mail to indicate who they were. I called the company and they said just to wait and they will call you again... BS! We received an email about 10 minutes later stating that the tenants have decided to renew their lease. The thing that gets to me was that they stated the house was available for rent 3 weeks ago. So why are still they posting this place online if it seems to have been occupied for a while now? I'm done with this company FOREVER!

Company: Real Property Management Colorado
Country: USA
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