Green Tree Servicing
Unethical business practices, Illegal collection activities

Real Estate

As of this entry, I am currently a customer (victim of) Green Tree Servicing, LLC. Here's my breif "Green Tree Story".in 1999, my young family of 3 (myself, wife & small child) found what we believed to be a home that we could afford on what little income we had. We purchased a 16 x 80 mobile home financed by Green Point Credit. After moving it to land of our own - we began to make monthly payments as agreed. At the time of purchase we aquired home owners insurance acceptable to Green Point. A few months later - we recieved a letter that what was previously acceptable was now not acceptable and that we would have to acquire additional or Green Point would place their own high cost insurance on the home. When I objected - I received letters threatening repossession. While considering our options - Green Point billed us an additional $59.79 per month over the original mortgage payment for their own insurance. Frequent call's, faxing of our own policy etc. Did not change the fact that they were determined to force their insurance on us and continued to add it to our mortgage payments. Customer Service of course was excellent prior to the sell and then became horrible immediately after the sale. Fast forward several years later we began to receive bill's with Green Tree Servicing on it in place of Green Point Credit; same people, same horrible customer service, same unethical business practices. We simply continued to send our mortgage to what ever bill showed up with our address on it unsure of how many name changes this company was going to have. Once sued - they change their name and their back in business again with a new name but same unethical, illegal activities. As the years went by - we would have an occasional decrease in house hold income and fall behind a payment or a good faith effort - we would call Green Tree (no) customer service at 1-800-643-0202 and the call would be forwarded to a Jacksonville, FL. Green Tree office at P.O. Box 19649; Jacksonville, FL. 32245-0649.individuals by the name (or aliases) of "Chauncey" and a "Ms. Smalls" would answer and inquire as to what time "today" the full payment would be made. If informed that a payment could not be made "today" but could be made on a near future date - threats of mobile home repossession "today" would immediately be made by both Chauncey and Smalls. Smalls would make threats of suing and immediate obtainment of court orders stating that "she " would file in court clearly crossing the line mis-representing her self as an attorney. At one point - she lost it and threatened to contact local law enforcement if I returned to my home and stated that "she" would file in court to block me from returning to my land and home. This after she was informed that Green Tree owns the home but not the land that the mobile home sit's on - I own the land! When I would LOL - these calls would end abruptly with no workable solution (payment "today" is the only acceptable answer). Later - Chauncey would proceed to ring my home, cell & work numbers repeatedly. I had no option but to issue a "cease and desist" order in accordance with Title 15, Chapter 41, Subchapter V, Sec. 1692c, Paragraph (c) "Ceasing Communications". This along with a clear threat of Attorney Action - works. No more calls from Green Tree Servicing, LLC. At some point - Green Tree Serving's mis-handling of these issues literally becomes far worse than going through the actual mobile home repossession process. It is my hope that by sharing this story with others that potential customers (victims) will think twice prior to conducting any future business with Green Tree Servicing, LLC.

Company: Green Tree Servicing
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
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Green Tree Servicing LLC
Lies, threats, and harassment, OH MY! - Mortgage Modification

Green Point Credit - Green Tree Credit
Green Point Credit / Green Tree Credit Bank of America / Green Point Credit / Green Tree Credit

Green Tree Servicing
GTServicing - - Green Tree Loan Company - Green Tree Consumer Discount Company - Green Tree Credit ripoff Extremely poor customer service Credit reporting inaccuracies

Green Tree Servicing LLC

Green Tree Servicing LLC
Will not take my payment - Financed mobile home

Green Tree Servicing
Extremely poor customer service

Green Tree Servicing LLC
Green Tree Servicing Shortsale Process - Green Treee Servicing

Green Tree Corp
7 years-Rip Off

Green Tree - GreenTree
Green Tree Servicing LLC Attempted Rip Off financed my mobile home

Green Tree Servicing LLC
Green Tree Forgets Like an Alzheimer victim... - Green Tree LLC Loans