Americas Servicing Company
The worst mortgage company eve

Real Estate

I have resolved my problems with ASC, although they should still be shot for their fraudulent practices. Right after they purchased my loan, my check that I mailed on time was not credited until after the late payment day. Then, they increased my mortgage payment by $700 per month for an escrow shortage of $900! I reported them to the FTC, to no avail, but somehow I paid the extra $700 until I could convince them that I was serious about suing, and I now pay ALWAYS through the online banking from my bank so they can never hold my check again! This company has no integrity and they are scum, oh, and their customer service people are rude and STUPID!

Company: Americas Servicing Company
Country: USA
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Indy Mac
Indy Mac Escrow Ripoff

Americas Servicing Company - ASC
Americas Servicing Company (ASC) "Americas" Servicing Company reports false deliquincys to credit bureau Online

HSBC Mortgage Services
HSBC not crediting payments All Ove

America's Servicing Company
America Servicing Company, holds checks for weeks in order to collect late charges, and makes harrassing calls for payment before pastdue date

America's Servicing Company
Escrow Rip Off Company! No website Very fishy

PHH Mortgage
PHH Mortgage Escrow Screw Ups

AHMSI - American Home Mortgage Servicing, Inc
Terrible mortgage servicing company!

American Servicing Company
Rude customer service representatives. Just bought my mortgage requiring us to pay almost $2000.00 in escrow adjustment house has been owned since 2000 mortage sold to different companies never had this problem

American Servicing Company
This company has change my Escrow charge 3 time in 1yr. My mortgage went from 1500 to 2200

Citifinancial Mortgage
Unethical business practices! Torture doing business with these folks! Customers service is a joke! Ripoff