Colonial Home Warranty
Broken Washer and Terrible Customer Service - GE

Real Estate

This company is a joke, please don't purchase a plan from them. Their managers are very rude and will tell you anything to get you off the phone. They don't honor your claims. I waited a whole two weeks for them to contact me concerning a claim on my washing machine only for them to tell me that I had to contact a technician myself to come out because they could not find a tech to service my area. When i inquired as to why no one contacted me, they said they attempted to contact me via phone and no one answered, so they left the claim open until they heard back from me. WTF! Let the record show that they never called me. So I asked to terminate my service with them and to have my refund sent back to my card. They couldn't tell me how much my refund would be, so I asked if they could email me when they knew prior to case their numbers didn't match up. The manager (Michael Porter) stated that I would have the email in two to three business days and the refund in 3-5 business days. Here we are one week and a day later. So I called back today and got another manager (Mr. Pierce). I explained to him what I was told by Michael Porter and he cut me off mid sentence and stated that there must have been a misunderstanding because it takes up to ten business days for a refund to be completed, and that they don't send out an email prior to the refund being reimbursed. I told him I didn't understand how two managers working within the same company could have information that differed so much. He then told me that I need to stop going back to what the manager (Michael Porter) told me and listen to what he is telling me, because there is nothing else that could be done. (This was said with much attitude). So now, I have to wait another 5 business days to see if this part of the story will hold any truth. Totally Ridiculous! I am posting this on their page in hopes that anyone considering purchasing a warranty from this company would look to another company. I also hope that a "real" manager would see this post and rectify the situations going on within their company. I will also be posting this on my social media sites and sharing my experience with any one in search of Home Warranties.

Company: Colonial Home Warranty
Country: USA
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Michael Porter
My business coach never told me about a three day refund only policy, his objective was to get as much advertizing funds as he could get out of me

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