Q web designs
Melissa allen vendictive and misleading

Politics & Government

I had to give one star. Steer clear of this lady she claims she knows how to design a site she doesn t have a clue. She is a rip off artist tries to sale you her logos instead of things you have already paid for. I just got off the phone with her and she told me to shut up. She was hosting my new site and I was in the process of transferring my files she knew this and just told me on the phone she deleted them, I said why what were they hurting just sitting there for the other company to retreive them her response was i didnt want them there. She also terminated my site on Friday a day early 7from her email. She is vendictive and mean. The other hosting company has told me this problem is from her personally!!! My files are missing just enough code they are having a hell of a time. AVOID she has no clue how to make a site work and cant work under pressure, she takes 4 or 5 days to do anything. She sleeps til noon so you cant talk to her before that. She has an excuse for everything and assumes no responsibillity blames it all on someone else. To top all this off she will WITHOUT your permission sign you up for some domino barter site which she also runs and then say you owe fees and late fees... WTH? I never signed up for this site she did not have my permission to do so. I have proof from go daddy she shut my site off a day early to prevent inmotion to transfer my files and I have proof from in motion she deleted my files. Stay clear and I mean clear. If things dont go her way she will destroy your site by sabatosh.

Company: Q web designs
Country: USA
Address: po box 456
Site: http:qwebdesins.com
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Q web designs
Melissa allen This is the last site I had under Melissa Allen's control and she has disabled this site as well as the previous complaint. She contacted me 2 weeks ago telling me to move my site because she was no l

Q web designs

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