Ancil Roget
Blacklisted Scamming Trade Union Leader, Incredibly Deceptive, Dominated By A Nebuchadnezzar Complex, Oilfields Workers' Trade Union (OWTU), San Fernando

Politics & Government

Ancil Roget, noted Trade Union Leader in charge of the organization known as the Oilfields Workers' Trade Union that is found in Trinidad and Tobago is one who completely falls within the definition of scamming which means to be involved in fraudulent scheming.

The main thrust and heart of the fraudulent scheming of Ancil Roget involves power hungry motives that are selfishly motivated and very much self centered.

Ancil Roget is also a man who is greatly ruled by pride which happens to be uninhibited pride. Uninhibited pride is one that tries to make one's self look good on the outside but the inside is as rotten as an apple in a trash heap. This is the type of pride that dominates Ancil Roget where the outside hides the rottenness and deception that he has within himself.

Indeed, it must be noted that there is great deception with Ancil Roget and it is rooted in a desire for power.

Company: Ancil Roget
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Paramount Building 99a Circular Road SAN FERNANDO
Phone: 8686556411
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Ancel Roget
Blacklisted Deceptive, Scheming, And Wicked Trade Union Leader, Oilfields Workers' Trade Union, A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing, San Fernando

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