Lamps plus
Lookout for this company


Lamps plus is a very dishonest company, Their product is not what u think. This company not only steals from there workers but also there vendors. Half of all the product you buy came from the trash. They write off items to get credit and them piece them back together and sale them for 5 times what the product is worth. They broke alot of labor law with 70% of their employees. There are workers that has been there for 20 years and only making 17 dollars an hour. I was told they fell between the cracks. Basically when min wage went up these employees never got there cost of living increase. The company pick who they want to pay and tell the other just to be happy they got a job. They also have un-license electrician working on repairing all this trash product, it is only a matter of time before someone house goes up in flames. Sad to say! Be very carefully with the company. I know alot about them and their ways. There was a union trying to cone and repersent the employees and the company told everybody that if they vote for the union they would be replaced. Guess what, union got vote out. The company scared every body by saying what every the union ask for they would say no, so in the end the employee will be paying dues and nothing would change. This company and there VP thinks their untouchable i wish someone can teach them a big listen.investigate all of there books and u will see what I'm closing say away from lamps plus product is poor and way over priced, what u are buying possible came out of a trash can, and they pride them self in over pricing people for trash. Hope this helps someone and their decisions when sending money...

Company: Lamps plus
Country: USA
State: California
City: Redlands
Phone: 9098015300
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