Oasis Treatment Center
Is ripping people off by extending their meetings without proper documentation. S Daytona Beach

Politics & Government

The so-called "counselor" is working on her BS degree, however she does not even have her Associate degree yet! Well, then I'm working on my PhD! At lease I HAVE my Associate's degree!

These people think they can extend clients when they call in sick to an appointment because they claim you called too late. When I produced my telephone records to prove I called in on time, they ignored it and told me to come to two more meetings! Vicki said "What's the big deal? It's only two more meetings!" I guess when you drive a Mercedes like she does, $50.00 is not a big deal, but it is to me!

How many others are they ripping off and telling them they need to make more meetings? They are falsifying records and making $50.00 each time they do it!
My advise to everyone who goes here... Keep track you your meetings and when you call in sick because they will screw with you and your money!

Company: Oasis Treatment Center
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: S. Daytona Beach
Address: 1635 S. Ridgewood Ave
Phone: 3867673191
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