Clean people productions
Meetings online, "RC", recovery chat, on the recovery chat, meetings online, meetings online group facebook

Internet & Web

Just received an alert about this website. Yes there are people on there who are questionable monitors on the website referred to as "R.C.". Monitors such as Clifford Dan Shaw or Rodeo is this person's online identity of the meetings online website. I am sure that there are guidelines that they must follow which I too notice that the webmaster is never in the rooms, is never around where I can share that I have witnessed maybe 4 "assumed suicide" events and the monitors have been called into question as you have shared ronandclarissa. There have been multiple instances where the monitors would kick each other off the site and play around. I believe that yes we need to have some fun but seriously I question their true integrity. I have witnessed some users on there as well who are just as guilty as the moderators banning people without justifiable cause. Its more click-ish than it is a platform for people to come in and get sober or clean. I do agree that they are not a safe website. I was banned on there for confronting a moderator and I had verifiable proof but there activated the ban button and I have not been back since then and to this day I am very grateful because it quite honestly justified what my impressions were at the time of the ban. I am glad that someone has finally caught them in their own goings on.


Company: Clean people productions
Country: USA
State: California
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Clean people production recovery chat, meetings online, twelve step program, internet recovery meetings Internet

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