Glenn E. McNary
The Con Artist

Education & Science

A few years ago, Glenn E. McNary, a Preacher and McNary's son started a MLM company. He used other people to make presentations in Houston. The company used a "downline" system where they took money to place people in the downline, with no product whatsoever. The idea was to build a downline, then place it into several ongoing MLM companies.

McNary hired people to input data and people into the system, but from day 1, insider rumors were that the fellow hired to input people, placed people where he wanted to place them, under people he knew or himself, and placed others wherever. This was never scrutinized by McNary.

McNary and his son pilfered the money that came in, as well as the preacher. However, the meetings kept going forward, with a lady, I think her name was Yvonne in the lead. She always started the meetings with a prayer.

Bottom line, was this operation was pure fraud. When it finally imploded, McNary by design, was nowhere to be found. Since he never showed up at meetings and had others lead the meetings, he kept a very low profile, so if anything went wrong, he could skip out. He did just that, with thousands of dollars.

Miss Yvonne when asked about McNary, she would always say he is a truth, he is a Vet - a pet doctor. Just naother example of how they deceived their victims with fraudulent information.

No telling what McNary is doing now on the side with other people's money.

Watch out.

Company: Glenn E. McNary
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 224 Winkler Dr
Phone: 7136435723
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My suggestion is stay away from this company in general

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