Keith Darnell Hariston

Politics & Government

Local Minister Sentenced for Crimes Against Flock Keith Darnell Hairston's reign of manipulation, cheating deceit and fraudulent activity is over, at least for the next three years.

Hairston, the former minister who coerced at least 12 women into marriage, with the possibility of that number being as high as 20, was sentenced to three years in prison Friday in Norwalk Municipal Court.

Earlier this year, the Sentinel reported that Hairston was involved in multiple marriages and had ripped off many people in the church community and took advantage of individuals financially with an array of tales and cons.

Hairston, who pleaded no-contest to the charges levied against him, was convicted of grand theft of personal property, two counts of perjury and six counts of bigamy.

The crimes finally caught up with the 41-year old Hairston, who allegedly scammed folks out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Some of Hairston's victims included well-known figures in the black community. But most of his victims were ordinary, blue-collar, working-class people, including many of the women he got close to.

Upon learning about Hairston's plight, some said the sentence would bring closure to their lives. Others felt the time that Hairston got wasn't long enough.

"Papa was a rolling stone, " said Edith Simpson, who was briefly married to Hairston in 1992."I have no animosity. He put me through the ringer financially, but I recovered from it. But some of the women were really, really bitter. He deceived all of us. I'm just glad it's over with."

Lisa Tyler, who worked alongside of Hairston at a local business, said the self-proclaimed minister could work magic with words.

"He could sell the Brooklyn State Bridge to anybody, " Tyler said."[But] it doesn't pay to do the crime. I don't think three years is enough, but I hope this teaches him a lesson."

After things got hot for Hairston, he fled to Texas where he was apprehended. Somehow, despite the California penal system not having him extradited back for his crimes, Hairston still made his way back to the Southland.

Once back in the state, Hairston continued to operate his manipulation, forging checks and bringing women down the matrimony aisle.

One of the women Hairston seduced was Teresa Brown, who married him last year. Hairston, who forged checks from several of the women he married, including Brown, was ordered to pay her $1,525 in restitution.

Though that amount is relatively small compared to the money she put out for Hairston, Brown said she's not knocking it.

Other wives, said Brown, got nothing even though they were put in a deeper financial hole behind Hairston. Brown said with her former husband sentenced to spend time in federal prison, she's glad that painful chapter in her life is now closed.

"I'm glad it's over, " Brown said. "I wanted him to spend more time in prison because it's just not me. He had so many victims. If there were more people that came forth, he would have gotten more time. I can finally get this behind me and get some closure."

Norwalk District Attorney Ralph Plummer said the crimes that Hairston committed were galling.

Plummer said he credits the victims who were willing to stick through every court hearing and procedure to see Hairston punished for his crimes.

Brown and Jeanette Ketchum, who was forced into bankruptcy after marrying Hairston, were two of the victims that made sure that justice was served.

Plummer said they played an integral part in getting that done.

"Those two women were at every hearing, " Plummer said. "They are very nice women. What a great story. My hats are off to the victims of these crimes. Keith was a scammer. There may be some closure to this for them."

Company: Keith Darnell Hariston
Country: USA
State: California
City: Carson
Address: 20009 Enslow Dr
Phone: 6613462641
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