Worldcom Wireless, Inc
Worldcom wireless, inc. Worldcom is sicko's. They lie, deceive and I call it the "cell" from "hell". They falsely advertised, they got their phone back unopened and still bills. New york

Shops, Products, Services

I received over my fax machine an add for a deal on a cell phone from a.X.I.N. Corporation an authorized agent of mci worldcom on 9/18.

2400 minutes $39.99 mo. Free nationwide long dist.included.
Free * tri-mode digital phone, free 3 way calling, free caller id,
free voice mail, free call waiting, free detailed billing.
I fell for these lies and called the # and an agent by the name of gererd hairston faxed then a worldcom agreement for me to sign.

In doing so a credit card was required and i mistakenly gave them my card #. There was an equiptment agreement that stated $34.99 for shipping & handeling.

Service plan name: ADR 400 - peak min. 400-off peak.
The phone arrived @ my office and as i read the contract which i had never seen before i never did even open the box. I immediately went to the post office & returned it cert. I have the receipt where they did receive the phone & the article # i have also.

They charged my credit card, and even though to this day the bills i still receive say 0 minutes used they want me to pay. They are turning this over to a collection agency, and they are wrong. I hope that a stop can be put to this scam of the century, soo many people have been mislead, and tricked into a so called binding agreement that they need to be put out of busisness. There is no way this is legal. Please help us victims.
No matter how many times i call, or send letters... Thay continue to send bills that are ridiculos.

I am at my witts end with this co. Whatever else i can do personally to destroy them do not hesitate to call. They will have their day in court, too many complaints that are alike.
I see someone is on their job and that is you people. I just want to say than-you for a chance to make this go away...

Jacksonville, Florida

Company: Worldcom Wireless, Inc
Country: USA
State: New York
Address: P.O. BOX 5211
Phone: 8002548991
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WorldCom & Worldcom Wireless unscrupulous, infuriating, and a RIPOFF - never have anything to do with them

Worldcom wireless
Ripoff-not following plan offered

WorldCom Wireless aka MCi
Even MCi WorldCom employess have difficulties with WorldCom Wireless

MCI Worldcom Wireless
First Time Victim Of MCI/WorldCom Ripoff

Worldcom Wireless, Inc
Worldcom wireless ripoff fradulent billing michigan

MCi Worldcom Wireless
Mci Worldcom Wireless Cell Phone ripoff

WorldCom Wireless
Worldcom wireless cell phone services not rendered and being charged

MCI Worldcom Wireless Company
Ripoff business from hell

MCI Wolrdcom Wireless
MCI Worldcom rip-off

Mci worldcom wireless (mci telecommunications corporation)
Worldcom wireless mci telecommunications corporation BAIT AND SWITCH PRACTICE