City Of Townsend Deputy Bill "The Coward" Allen
Wastes the taxpayers money, threatens citizenry, lodges false accusations because he's a coward

Politics & Government

Evidentally, Townsend Office Bill "the litte girl" Allen has to have several Blount County Officers to be a tough guy.

Bill, anytime that your cowardly A$ wants to do something like that again, just show up without your county buddies and Ron Dunn.

Isn't he the idiot who pointed his finger at Linda King and said "... Look where there from..." but didn't have the sense to point his finger at his boss and say "... Look who brought 'em here."

Bill said that his premise was thought I had shot at him. If I had shot "AT" him then he would have been "shot". What a damn idiot. He saw an apportunity to be a tough guy and show out in front of his buddies with the county. He just sounded even dumber than he looks.

Oh by the way, they questioned me about what kind of weapons that I had and told them that I had "Legal" hunting weapons. The cop closest to me who was "giving courage" to Bill Allen had a nice M-4. But I think mine is nicer.

He's too big of a wussy to say anything like without his buddies around. If I had shot at him, then why didn't he come right on out then? Too afraid? Why didn't he return fire if he thought that I was gunning for him? Was little "biwwy awen" afraid to come out here without some help? I think so. As a matter of fact I know so.

I got all of the conversation on tape this time and will be filing charges through the state attorney general against the Townsend City Deputy Bill "Silly Britches" Allen for being the twinkled toed little girl coward that he is.

What kind of coward waits until his buddies show up to try to pick a fight with somebody?

What kind of "coward" waits until he has backup to try and pick a fight? And he did it right in front of a BC Supervisor and two other deputies.

One of the idiots actually had the nerve to come up to me and shake my hand and tell me that this was my Mom's house not mine. What an idiot! He did so why holding a tactical shotgun. Yeah these guys are real brave.

How ' bout this Bill Allen... How 'bout I sue you for making false accusations against me. How 'bout I sue you "in person" since carrying on like a fruity little coward doesn't fall under your duties as a police officer.

Don't ever come onto "MY" property again unless you have a warrant, loser.

All the times that I see you in Townsend and you have nothing to say then? Oh yeah, that's right... Your bravery runs through a line of convenience.

How 'bout this... Let's put on some headgear and some boxing gloves, make it a legal sanctioned match and I'll knock you out in the mfirst minute? How does that sound ya coward?

As you can see folks the level of cowardice just keeps right on growing with our local authorities. A situation that Cheif Spanky Suttles knew about months ago still has not been resolved and mushroomed into BILL ALLEN running his cowardly mouth. I guess that he learned that from his county buddies.

Anytime, Bill, anytime... You truly are a coward and anytime you feel jumpy you just go right on and jump. I will be forwarding the video to the state ethics office.

And I'll keep right on making noise until they do something about BILLY RAY MYERS'S DOGS. Hope that helps those connected to the city sell some

The Townsend City Police are now upholding a KNOWN CRIMINAL and their NUISANCE DOGS. They evidentally don't care anymore about felons in possession of firearms. They tolmy Mom that they considered me to be more of a threat.

You know... They were right. I have no problem whatsoever calling the hand of their boss and mentor James L. Berrong. This incident was just par for the course when it comes to the ignorant and cowardly law enforcement practices that you will find in Blount County.

If you like this style of Law Enforcment then by all means move to Townsend or anywhere in Blount County.

Sic semper tyrannis and down with bill allen...

Bll Allen got caught red-handed on video tape driving his "taxpayer funded" squad car to and from work at speeds of over 85 MPH. This was against the law and he almost ran over my mother and I one night. I filed the complaint and evidentally he still can't get over the fact that he is just a common criminal like the people he harasses all the time.

I will be posting this on youtube. I don't know how good the video will be but you should be able to hear the audio of the coward bill allen. It just doesn't get any more cowardly than that piece of shite.

Townsend, Tennessee

Company: City Of Townsend Deputy Bill "The Coward" Allen
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Townsend
Address: Tiger Drive
Phone: 8654486816
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