Blount County,, RANDY NEAL, RANDY NEAL Blount County, Elitist Liberal Website, Randy Neal is a joke and a coward, Maryville, Alcoa

Internet & Web

I made the mistake of thinking that a local blog called blountviews would be a place accepting of free speech. Oh how I was wrong.

There are many intelligent people who blog on different topics but the editor of this site is a complete hypocrite and coward just like the Blount County mayor and the Sheriff.

For some reason, he completely singled me out like the chickens*t that he is.

When I tried to remedy the situation, he banned me from his site. They love to refer to the mayor as King Jerry so what should we start calling Randy Neil?
How 'bout King Coward or King Puss? Yeah... I think that would be better.

Now keep in mind this is supposed to be a progressive/liberal/democrat minded website. That's right, the same pussies that are always pissin' and moanin' about inclusiveness.

Seems the editor, Randy Neil is scared to death of the Lambert Camp of politics in Blount County. Hell, he probably is a Lambert. He certainly conducts his business in a cowardly manner like the Lamberts, but that is to be expected of people who hide behind their partisanship.

Check out the very last e-mail exchange that took place. You should be able to see the cowardice.

" — Original Message
Sent: Saturday, March 22 1:04 PM
Subject: [Questions and feedback] Coffee

Rebeldog72 sent a message using the contact form at

Randy, lets meet somewhere for coffee sometime next week before this thing
gets too ugly.
I have spoken with people who do know you personally and are confused at
the way in which you have singled me out.
I have no axe to grind against you or your site but obviously you have one
for me.
The only way that this dispute will ever be resolved is through a
face-to-face diplomatic discussion.
So, have a little couthe and a little "non-internet, it's my site" courage
and lets get together and try to "get along". Afterall, that is YOUR
SIDE'S Premise.
Otherwise, you are going to have to ban me to get rid of me.
If we can't come to some sort of agreement after our conversation then I
will leave BLOUNTVIEW never to return.
... And file a
After your last comments, you should at least have the balls enough to
speak to me face to face. Otherwise, you're just another coward like the
mayor, the sheriff and the rest of the Lambert Camp."

Here's the response from the cowardly little puss leftie kno as Randy Neil:

"R. Neal to me
show details 9:48 PM (1 hour ago) Reply

Do not e-mail me again."


Judge for yourself.By all means I want everybody to check out so they can see that the hypocrisy and cowardice of the left is just as bad as the narcissm of the right in Blount County. These pussies are never going to be able to get anything done concerning the Lambert Camp.

That's alright though. I'll get to see the coward Randy Neil at the next PPE meeting and I am looking forward to that very much. I'll record the conversation if i can or videotape it if it's possible. I haven't figured out how to post anything like that on this site yet but I'll put it on YouTube so you folks can hear/see his sorry *ss.

Nice Job Randy. Way to go. Your website is a joke and you are the one who provided the example. Did you go to Knox College? Are you a liberal arts major? Or just the pussy that we think you are? I bet you're one of those bleeding heart liberal Maryville College graduates... Well are ya, chickens*t?

Your credibility is now that of King Jerry Cunningham and your cowardice has reached the level of Sheriff Jimbo. You've made the King and the Sheriff proud. You'll probably get to marry into the family now. Oh yeah... I forgot... We don't have Gay Marriage in TN yet. I guess you and your BOY TOY will just have to wait.

But then again you might be able to find you a spouse in the local DA's office. It's full of light loafered pansies like yourself.

He's a liberal that wants to exercise free speech but bans independents and republicans from his site when their blogs don't exhibit Randy Neil's and the liberal left's opinions.

A liberal that is an elitist... Yeah, that's right. Can't believe it? The go look at the doublestandards that pplague his blogs. He's a real piece of s*t.

A progressive that is a hyporite.

A democrat that is a fascist.

That's right... He makes a good partisan... And a good coward.

He runs another website called and it is a joke also. Same bunch of hypocritical babble from the same bunch of fruity liberal elitists pus*s.

If these people weren't such pus*s, maybe they could get something done but they piss and whine so much about crap that doesn't matter, you want to just give them their blanket, dry their tears and send their whiney little asses to bed.

If you want to read the TRUTH about the CRIMINALS and DEVIANTS that we have in Blount County Government then stick with the otherwise all that's LEFT is and their double-standard of free speech.

Randy Neil should change the name of his website to The "s" at the end makes the combination a lie and a farce.

Or just change it to, then they'd know it was Randy Neil's attempt at a blog.

Maybe he could just change to All you would have to do is google the word "coward" and you'd be right there.

I'll see you at the next TDOT/Pellissippi Parkway Extension meeting.

Better eat your wheeties and grow some balls you silly freak, randy neil! You can bring your boyfriend with you too!

I just didn't know that you could pile sh*t that high without it falling over.
Phu-que randy neil!

Company: Blount County,, RANDY NEAL
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Knoxville
  <     >  

Randy Neal Total farce, moles for the corrupt local government, hypocrites, not really "progressives"

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Blount County Mayor Jerry Cunningham
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Sheriff James Berrong
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